Ingest is probably the wrong word then. The nicotine in the tobacco doesn't have to become nicotine in my blood stream, it can just stay where it is for a couple of days and then make a big for freedom. So maybe absorb would be better, or digest, or breakdown, or dissolved.
I put it to you guys that what you've read is not the entire truth. Or even partially the truth. In fact it's a load of bollocks dreamt up by one of the reliable members of the press - despite what Wiki says. According to this bottle in front of me, I'm holding 24mg of nicotine in suspension, that's enough to keep me off the fags for a week (bearing in mind I used to smoke 40 a day). So I'd suggest someone has got their decimal places all mixed up...
That value is mg/ml so if you have a 10ml bottle that'll be 240mg of nicotine. Enough to kill a 240kg human. One that's managed to survive becoming a 240kg fat mess, at least. I reckon if you drank that bottle of juice fig, you would die. Unless the glycerine acts as a binder or something, I dunno. You're welcome to put your faith to the test though by making a cup of tea with yours and letting us know the results?
I still call bollocks. If a fag contains 20+mg of nicotine, you eat it, and you don't die, the figures are wrong. Doesn't matter which way you dress it up.
Fig, Wikipedia also says this, right under the last magic numbers I showed you... in light of several documented cases of humans surviving much higher doses; the 2013 review suggests that the lower limit causing fatal out-comes is 500–1000 mg of ingested nicotine, corresponding to an oral lD50 of 6.5–13 mg/kg .[7] Nevertheless nicotine has a relatively high toxicity in comparison to many other alkaloids such as cocaine, which has an LD50of 95.1 mg/kg Using those numbers is need to eat 80.16 Marlboro reds to do a dead.
I can see that you didn't die, so you're right. But even if there weren't 2 sets of numbers, you wouldnt absorb all of the nicotine from the cigarette in your stomach. The lethal limit is amount absorbed, not amount in your stomach. For example There is a limit to the amount of lean proton that the body can absorb immediately after exercise. Let's call it 32g for the sake of this point. If you eat 32g of protein 30 minutes after eating, you will absorb 32g of protein. If you eat 70g you will still only absorb 32g, the other 38g will be wasted.
So the initial figure is completely misleading under any circumstance (and plain wrong by it's own admission, as it turns out).
you smoke, it costs a fortune, it will expose you more to the risk of terminal diseases, and every one else to that matter dirty bast ids, and of course you may well die from it……..
Ok, I'll concede that, I'd imagine its very difficult to find data on how much nicotine is ingested from eating tobacco, as I'm not convinced there will have been that many experiments where people have sat eating cigarettes until they died. Different foods (and different nutrients) are absorbed differently so while its quite possible to determine how much nicotine constitutes a lethal dose, and how many cigarettes that would be there is no real way of knowing how many cigarettes you would have to eat to obtain that dose. Oddly you would kill yourself far more easily shoving cigarettes up your butt than you would eating them, as the colon is a far more effective absorber than the intestines and stomach ( hence the existence suppositories) There has been a trend recently in teenagers of dousing tampons in vodka and shoving them up their butts - they get drunk on a tiny amount of alcohol, and no vodka breath in class. (You can also get hammered doing vodka shots in the eye in much the same way) Weird huh?
Yes, it was. I should have read a bit further down the first time. I wasn't trying to claim that you should be dead off of your fag sandwich. (Giggedy) I wanted to explain that just cuz you ate it doesn't mean you'd definitely die. So even if I did eat 81 cigarettes, which would contain a lethal dosage according to the higher numbers, seeing as the bio availabilty through eating is only around 70% I might still be ok.
Ave you smoked again yet or have you been doing ok? I smoked another 600 fags after I decided to quit. I've had that ecig since October, but I only had the right mindset before christmas
I had a bad morning this morning, climbing the wall, but I still didn't have a fag. The moment another fag touches my lips I will fail; I'm determined not to let that happen.
Good drills. Just keep hammering the e-cig until the smell of a real lot smoke makes you want to be sick.
And you ride a motorbike, and drive a van. Life is full of things that can kill way or another we are all in that camp I remember splitting a pack of cigarettes with a mate once as teenagers, we didn't have a lighter so had to chain smoke them (the only cigarettes I have ever smoked) and I remember feeling funny from the first one. I smoke two or three cigars a year (at most, sometimes several years with none) and don't feel any effects from them at all. The cigars contain far more nicotine but the mouth is very poor at absorbing it compared to the lungs as its surface area is tiny. I'd personally not want to live in a risk free world. While I consider myself a non smoker and would encourage any cigarette smoker to quit if they wanted to its not my place to preach to a smoker - if they are fully aware of the effects and don't wish to stop its not my place to nag them. I can hardly advise someone to give up something which could possibly harm them while I ride bikes - something which has already seriously and permanently harmed me. I'd welcome a return to pipes though, some pipe tobaccos (such as clan) actually smell very nice, the same can be said for cigars. To my mind, cigars and pipes are more 'social' smoking as opposed to cigarettes which tend to be more habitual smoking.
I smoked a pipe for a bit, it made my mouth feel like it was coated in engine oil and it's not as nice to have in your mouth as it is to smell on someone else. My dad used to smoke a pipe and the smell of clan and cherry pipe tobacco reminds me of some very happy times. He doesn't smoke it any more though, so when I have a good time with him now I have to try harder to remember them.
From a man that rides motorcycles....... with inherent risks to health,public perception and proved expected percentage G28 deaths.