Knob end copper

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mr C, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Mrs C wanted to go an look at a new saddle for her horse over near Manchester Airport, So as the is a nice walk over that way we took the dog. Whilst she was looking and talking about horse drivel with the seller I said I'd wait in the car 100 yards down the road which is right under the flight path and watch the planes come in over head.

    I had been there 20 mins and various people had come and gone with binoculars and scanners etc. Next min Mr cocky bollox stops on the other ide of the road and tells me to move. To which I asked why? Blue Lights came on and he did an NYPD 70's cop show J turn.

    Copper. Please move you car.

    Me Why

    Cooper, Your under the flight path

    Me But this is a public highway with no restrictions

    Copper, yes but under Aviation act you cant park here.

    Me Ok so why no double yellows or signs?

    Copper Whats your name?

    Me, Whats the offence?

    Copper, Im asking your name because if I want to report you then I know your details.

    Me, But to report me an offence must have been committed so please tell me the offence and I will then give you my details

    Copper, If you fail to give me your details I will arrest you.

    Me, Arrest me?? Im not refusing to give you my details I am simply asking you want offence I have committed?? I am sat here doing nothing. I under stand security around an airport must me tight so feel free to look in to my car from bombs or a RPG! which I assure you I don't have

    Copper, Now getting agitated

    Mrs C then arrives and quickly picks up on the job in hand

    I am now apparently in contravention of a byelaw and again he cant tell me which actual Byelaw or the wording. His mate is just sat in the car through all this and Im guessing wants nothing to do with billy bullshit!

    He then PNC's the car and asks its mine which I said no, as its in Mrs C's name. We then get in to the stand off about my name but Mrs C shits her self when he starts banging on about arrest again. So to keep her from flapping! I reluctantly relent.

    Mr Copper now thinks he's won and try's to talk to me like a juvenile about being awkward.

    I have searched google looking for said laws or byelaws which don't exist!. Sadly as Mrs C just wanted the nasty man to go away and was getting tetchy I never got his details.
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  2. To be fair, if a bloke is driving a car and it's registered to a woman he might want to check out it's not nicked and you're insured. However, if he was polite and explained that to you maybe you'd have given him your name. I've no problem with being checked, I've nothing to hide. If every car thief got stopped and refused to give their details, and the police had no power to demand them, that'd not be good, would it?
  3. you are in a car on a road………you have to provide your details full stop…….in fact the offence would be failing to provide your details…but i feel your pain..

    and a J turn is backwards…….:upyeah:

  4. He would not have known if was in a woman's name for quite a white as he did not PNC it at first. I had committed no offence at all, parked up with the engine off.

    @Andy If he would have said you are behind the wheel of a car and I have the right to know who the driver is then fair doo's. But coming out with cock n bull about the aviation act and then some byelaw that both seem not to exist pissed me off!

    As for the J turn, it was more of a fast reverse as he had stopped in the opposite side of the road then forwards so he was in front of me which looks far from impressive in his Kia
    #4 Mr C, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014
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  5. Make a complaint about his attitude. The police will have a record about his PNC request if you provide the time and location. They can do the digging for you. Equally it is good to know they are looking out for the security of uk flights, and what if you were about to fire your Schnauzer at an aeroplane?
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  6. What do all the people that live under a flight path do?!?

    To be fair though the whole experience could could have been much nicer if you had either just moved, or gave him your name.

    Some times it's not about the principle of the thing, it's about having a nice, happy day and no stress.
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  7. That's not really going to get me anywhere and I don't really hold grudges, I just didn't like his Charlie big spuds attitude. Manners goes a long way in my book.
  8. Your right, but being polite and having manners helps in the first place.
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  9. Think the byelaws do or aviation act exist as the airport at Newcastle would move people on from
    a public road which had a bit of a laybye/waste ground at the side under the flight path used by plane spotters.
    just sayin like.

  10. I am sure you contravened the Prevention of Terrorism Act somewhere there :wink:
  11. I do have some sympathy with plod here. Having watched a few cops with cameras type programs if what is shown is typical then it must be a thankless task dealing with endless scum with whom being reasonable would be seen as a sign of weakness. Therefore I am sure that rapidly ramping up the tension when faced with any sort of come back, such as 'why?' :eek:, is almost inevitable.
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  12. They'll defo be reading your emails now...

    That's 2 black marks... Parking under the flight line and visiting this site with a bunch of anti-establishment government haters!

    Guantanamo for you, I'm afraid.

    I hope you like drinking your water via your nose ;)
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  13. So did you explain what you were doing, and that you were waiting for your wife and killing time, and if it was 10ft or 10 miles you needed to move? Sensing a touch of mutual attitude here ;-)
  14. well we don't know and its back to that previous thread we only have one side of the story here……….were there any no parking sign or no waiting etc? what was the name of the road?
  15. Where's funky when you need him.
  16. No yellow lines single or double in fact no signs at all. I was on Ringway road as it happens I was parked about 10m from a house which is also under the flight path. So quite rightly I questioned him
  17. If it had been me, I'd have started shaking uncontrollably.

    Then I'd have told the policeman, " Sorry Officer, I suffer from Parking Zones Disease"
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  18. Much better than shaking uncontrollably before shouting Allah Ho Akbar.

    Bound to end up going wrong.
  19. I got pulled over at about 5:30 am one Saturday morning on my CBR about four years ago. I was about 500 meters from my front door.

    The copper was perfectly nice, he asked what my name was and (oddly I thought until he explained) where I had cone from.

    It turned out there had been a spate of thefts from garages on the other side of the city, and their intelligence suggested the gang was moving east to west across the city, so they were stopping every moving vehicle on the estates between 3 and 6am. He had already got the registered keeper name and address (me) from the number plate before stoping me. I gave my name and home address (matching the details he had) and showed photo I.D. confirming I was who I claimed to be.

    He said thank you very much and sent me on my way. I could have made a perfectly pleasant stop into something far more awkward if i'd given him a load of "why do you need to know" attitude. the whole thing took maybe 3 minuets and was actually reassuring to know they were proactively responding to a threat. If that gad been a thief on my bike it would probably have been recovered before I even knew it was gone.

    Obviously it's a slightly different situation to the OP but j think in his shoes is have just moved slightly until I was in a place the cop was happy with. They gave a tough job made bearable by the decent people they meet. Acting evasively won't achieve anything other than making them feel on edge thinking they have another twit to deal with - they will gave seen simple situations descend into public order offences many times.
    #19 philoldsmobile, Jan 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014
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  20. I must admit I loathe being told what to do with no explanation. It's not a question of "orders are orders". I think you are correct to want to know what law is being invoked to get you to modify your behaviour.

    It all smacks of prefects at school.
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