Knob end copper

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mr C, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Indeed, The road round the end of the runway some nights is like the M25-a friking car park!-with all the cars parked off the road in the field entrances...
  2. i don't know i don't make the rules………..did you park outside a house? Did you tell the cop you were visiting at said house….sorry mate i think you are clutching at straws here.
  3. I'm getting a little confused here. Mr C posts a story where he seems to have been put under undue pressure by an overzealous copper and is accused of breaking a, possibly, non-existent law so responds by asking for explanation in a manner that says I’m not prepared to be pushed around for no reason. The response from some on this forum seems to be either that he should have just done what plod told him without question or that he was acting in a manner similar to a trouble making oik. And it’s backed up with a sanctimonious “we only have one side of the story”.

    Do you really want to live in a country where failing to instantly obey the police lands you in trouble?

    Officious bullying seems to be what was attempted by the plod on this occasion and such behaviour should always be resisted whether it comes from Mr Plod or some faceless civil servant. You are innocent in this country until proven guilty and as such should be treated with respect until there is good reason not to. Just because there is an underclass in this country that has no respect for the police, or anyone else, who make the police’s job more difficult than it needs to be is no reason for the plod in this story to assume that failure to show instant compliance to his wishes and a simple question is an act of defiance.
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  4. Clutching at what straws? Let's say I was in the wrong by parking in a signed and restricted area then fair enough. However parking on a public highway on what any reasonable person would happily park and yet having big bad Hawaii Five 0 demanding I move would raise questions in a curious person.
    Threats of Being arrested or reported yet can't tell me exactly what for is just making the situation. worse. I think if I'm being threatened by such action I at least deserve a reason why. For example under section blah of the blah blah act.

    Alternatively he could have just asked me in a polite fashion if I could move because we get tetchy about people parking here. Maybe a nice conversation would have followed and we would have gone our separate ways.

    So I conclude he was a bell end. BTW it's not a pop at the old bill.
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  5. It's very hard to know without bring there, my policy is the path of least resistance. The cop nay be a knob jockey in the wrong, but if the sole detriment to complying with his unreasonable request is to drive a couple of hundred meters up the road it would be in my own interest to comply and finish the situation there and then. Start giving grief (and what exactly are you going to achieve by doing so?) and all you have done is mark your cards. Piss the cop off and who are you going to call when knob end copper then actually picks you up in something you are bang to rights on? Batman?

    The cop may well be in the wrong, but personally I've git better things to do with my time than argue the toss in what is ultimately a one way argument.

    Suck it up and get on with life. They have it far worse in the US with crooked cops.
  6. and i agree he may well of been a bell end………..

    but parking on a public highway..that just so happens to be within the airport and i suspect the airports special restrictions….ignorance is no defence….
  7. The sweeney need to understand that they can't talk to people like a piece of shit. A couple of similar things have happened to me in recent years. The first few seconds set the tone, and as it's the cops who always speak first, it's fair to suggest that it's their attitude that makes the difference. The last two times I've been stopped have been for very spurious reasons. In the first the bloke said he couldn't see my tax disc (that'll be because he was behind my van, which has a metal bulkhead...). His first words were, "Show me your driving license". My first words were, "What's the magic word..?"

    The last time I got pulled on the fuglystrada for seemingly no reason at all. The first cop was okay, but his excuse ("A lot of these bikes are being stolen lately") was shite. Then another car pulled up, fat twunt gets out and squares up to me, "I've checked your details, and your driving record's a bit tangy, isn't it". Then a bike cop pulls up - 5 cops to stop a bloke for doing fuck all - "Step away from the bike", then he kicks the front wheel. I walk over to the nicer cop; "Tell that twat if he kicks my bike again I'll break his legs". A minute later I was free to go, no explanation, no caution, nothing. What the fuck was that all about?

    Coppers need to be nice to me now before I capitulate, they need to earn my respect.
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  8. He may have also been working on a briefing handed down that morning at the start of the shift. You can't expect them to know the absolute ins and out of everything - if the mornings briefing said "we will be moving everyone on that stops here" then he is obliged to do so, there may be plenty of factors you simply do not know about.
  9. It not within the airport thought. Airport terminals and terminal roads must be a KM away.
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  10. Does sound like the copper was a cock, whatever the rest
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  11. All that would have taken was a explanation. That's all I wanted. But even then with no restrictions then why can I not park there. They can't just decide one day that no one can park here or there.
  12. as in we have only one side of the story….

  13. i don't know but they can make these special rules go as far reaching away as they want……….isnt it called Manchester ring way international airport?
  14. why don't you ring up and explain exactly where you were and what happened with the moving on and see why?
  15. Matter of interest The Copper young or old?
  16. As a yoof the times I've stood at Silverstone gp……….you got to go left sir madam mate my friend what ever pointing at sign cones divine intervention,………..but i want to go right……….ffs after around 500 it gets a bit tedious…especially when you get but the sat nav says... quoted at you..
  17. Maybe it's just me, but my parents brought me up to have respect for the law and do what they asked me. It's got me out of a lot of situations where a ticket was well in order!
  18. I must have been lucky, I doubt I've been stopped more than three or four times in the last ten years, and every cop I've spoken to has been decent. I've never had a producer and my license is clean.

    The last cop I spoke to was outside hein greke in London (the one by the ace cafe) he hadn't stopped my mate and I, he had just pulled up to go into the shop. We had a very pleasant 10 min conversation with him - thoroughly nice bloke (he didn't rate his BMW). Frankly if nothing else he did an excellent job of public relations.

    I have a huge amount of respect for our emergency services, they do an amazing and difficult job, on the whole very well.
  19. yawn……..perhaps they were concerned for you and you had to stop as you hadn't had a fag for 10 minutes…..:upyeah:
  20. these days HORT/! producers etc are a thing of the past…………a good cop will know what information there is about the car owner insurance tax etc before they even speak to you…if your info doesn't tally up Mr C in wifes car then that requires further digging or clarification
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