Smoking is a mug's game in whichever form it takes. I've been regretting ever taking it up since I was in my early twenties, but somehow convinced my self I'd never be able to quit. So I didn't even try. In the last seven days I've saved £98 roughly...
that old chestnut……….i hardly go out and voluntarily stick an rtc in my mouth though 10 minutes every hour….ffs
smoking at work …..lazy fookers 10 minutes a fag as in get up from said place of work go outsie to designated area smoke fag, walk back get back to work…do that 6 times a day equals an hour, 5 days a week equals 5 hours, 4 weeks a month equals 20 hours, 12 months a year equals 240 hours………….a while years annual leave period for some………..
My boss said it was great he was getting more productivity out of me the other day, so I fucked off for lunch for an hour - first lunch break I've ever taken on his firm...then asked for a pay rise:wink:
What's the betting he never saw it that way though? Companies seem to want more and more but give less and less for it. For some reason I was under the impression you were self employed?
Where I work, smoking is banned on site and anyone inc. smokers. are not allowed off-site. As it is to do with the food industry, no food or drink is allowed in the production hall. All the smokers are allowed are boiled sweets. Office workers can eat whatever they want but still not allowed to smoke. As our lunch breaks are paid, you are not allowed to leave the premises to smoke (even not allowed to smoke in the carpark, inside your own vehicle) 2 have been sacked for getting caught while smoking.
Day 4 and still have not had a ciggie since the electronic fag was delivered - Was tempted last night, but the other half has hidden my emergency packet of 10 well!! Ordered some Strawberry and some more tobacco juices today!... Making huge savings too - Would normally have smoked at least 60 (probably nearer 100) fags over the course of a weekend - Especially if I'm out down the pub - £8.30 a pack my fags used to be... Blimey! - Will be able to afford a 2nd bike at this rate!!...
The key for me is not having any fags to be tempted by. I'm at my worst in the morning, practically climbing the walls. But it's not for the fags themselves, the nicotine in the e-cig takes care of that, it's for the habit. I've followed the same smoking routine for decades, and it's that which is proving hard to break. I'll crack it though. I'm confident about this.
Grit your teeth Fig it gets easier and easier as time goes on. Sorts the men out from the boys though! Do you want to be at the mercy of a small white tube filled with tobacco, or are you stronger than that horrible white tube?
I thought the comment about Od'ing on nicotine would stir up a hornets nest- I know it's toxic as it says so on the bottle - skull & cross bones, but you are not supposed to drink it, although Fig would probably have a go if you bet him enough. :biggrin: You vape it diluted with vegetable gycerine & flavour. I buy it at 54mg strength and dilute it down to 18mg. You wouldn't drink bleach would you, but you use it around the house in a solution and probably inhale the vapours, Everything in life is a risk but you take measures to minimise the risk, It's the other nasties in tobacco that will kill you therefore e-cigs minimise that risk this is the best alternative to actual fags if you need the nicotine crutch. I applaud those that are trying to give up the fags - keep at it, I've given up countless times, it's 4 years now since I started on the e-cig and I've never looked back and saved a fortune.
How are we all doing??... Over a week without fags now!!, although I'm beginning to think that vaping is as addictive than fags! Spent a fortune on e cigs, but the savings outweigh the cost!!
Not had a fag since dec 29th, and more importantly not wanted one. This e-cig thing is definitely working for me, I can't praise the idea highly enough.