Crazy Bike Values

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Some people are completely mental.

    Check out this advert ...

    It's a 2004 749. He want's £15k for it.

    Here is the message and response I got when I asked...

    "Hi Darren, I saw your 749 on eBay, I was just wondering what your real asking price was? You've got it up for £15,000. Thanks. Thomas"

    "Hi I have it up for £15,000, I have seen a lot of these bikes and I know how hard it is to get a good one, this bike is mint I have spent a lot of money on it doing the belts and putting the carbon fibre on it, I know you won't find a nicer one, if you are interested I We talk to you on the price of it,"

    Almost all bikes on eBay are either over priced or are secretly fucked, but this one takes the biscuit!!
  2. :biggrin: the lord loves a trier
  3. I know, makes me piss myself what some people think their bikes are worth
  4. yeah saw that, thought it was a typo and starting price of £1,500, Oh and it's YELLOW:eek:
  5. Awesome! I wonder if he wants to buy my old Elefant for £10k, he obviously has no idea on values :upyeah:
  6. He's got a vanity plate V1 FRA also listed for £4.5k. V1 ***'s sell for £999 on DVLA.
  7. It's the old trick of Wife tells you to get rid, you stick it on fleabay at a massive cost so it won't sell.
    Wife sees it as a valuable item so won't let you sell it at the true value, result you get to keep your toy.

    Other tricks include "no I've had it for ages" and "it was less than £150"

    Just hope Mrs Shadow doesn't start reading this forum :biggrin:
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  8. No, she's too busy wearing your trousers :upyeah:
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  9. Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do so I'm gonna do what she tells me to.:biggrin:
  10. The only time you get near the trousers is when you are ironing them.:biggrin:
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  11. Christ move quick Tom :wink: offer him £10,000 , that's a saving of a third :eek: , when will you ever get 33% :eek: off a bike.
    If you don't strike whilst the iron is hot you're going to miss out. :smile: :biggrin:
  12. It must be a joke on somebody. He asked me what I thought it was worth so I told him between £2500 and £3500 depending on condition and service history.

    Here is his reply:

    There was more the that spent on it last year the exhaust is worth £1000 the carbon fibre was £1500 service belts and tyres where over £500 I looked at a lot of these bike and and nothing came close to this one.

    I thanked him for his time, wished him luck and said it was a little out of my price range.

    Mental. He must be tricking his missus.
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  13. Dream on Darren. Its only a 749. As nice as they are I think Tom's valuation is nearer the mark. Plus I couldn't care less about the £1500 carbon. Put the OEM on please. Plus OEM exhaust. The service cost is the owners not the buyers. Its worth £4k. £4.5k tops.
  14. More than likely just a nutter!
  15. Thing is, he has all the right kit in his garage. Looking in the background makes me think he's actually pretty switched on with bikes and just doesn't want to sell it.
  16. Ive got 2 guitars. A proper US made Les Paul Standard and a Fender American Deluxe Strat and a sweet marshall. I can't play for shit but I have them. Having stuff does not necessarily endow one with talent or knowledge. Unfortunately. Sigh.
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  17. His eBay history shows he has spent a fair but of money on the bike in the last few months, maybe even as much as £300!!

    He's stuck on a few stickers, a couple of bits of carbon moto carbon fibre, some silver coloured d-zus and a few other bits and bobs.

    There's more to this bike and ad than is obvious. I just wish I could figure it out!

    It's even tucked away in some hard to find category. Although I'm watching it, it doesn't show in my watch list. It doesn't turn up in a search in motorcycles and scooters either.
  18. If Sam told me to sell my bikes on eBay, I'd be listing all her stuff instead. Besides she's glad to get rid of me on the bike so she can have peace and quiet. I think people may be correct. Selling to not sell and if some ape does buy it, result! Might be worth a try that.
  19. He's listed it under "parts and accessories"

    But that is a bit steep wherever it's for sale :eek:
  20. Wasnt even close to £15k when new
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