The bike gods are smiling on me today

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by CRYSTALJOHN, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Just received a phone call from an 82 year old gentleman, who is a biker, and rides a brand new 1000cc Kwaker, and owns the garage adjacent to the garage that I have rented for the last 4 years. I had recently vacated my garage and put my bikes into temporary storage at a mates house 13 miles away, as the old lady from who I rented it has now put her house on the market and will be moving to live with her son up north somewhere.

    He has just asked me if I would like to share his garage free of charge as long as I clean and lubricate his chain for him!

    I am of course over the moon at this very kind offer, as it means I will be able to continue my biking for the foreseeable future.:upyeah:
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  2. But not on the 749, eh? ;)
  3. No Tom, not on the 749 that's going to a new home soon :biggrin:
  4. Good on you but from my point of view the "clean and lubricate his chain for him" is a bit much hehe
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  5. Sounds like a euphemism to me...
  6. Bootsam All that THC has distorted your reality mate:wink:

    He is a lovely guy. He was riding an ancient 1000cc Honda which weighted a ton for yonks. I told him that modern bikes are so much more sophisticated, and at his time of life he would really benefit from a change to a modern bike. So he went out and traded his ancient Honda for the Kwaker thou and is so delighted that I pursueded him.
    Last year he was getting ready to go out for a ride with his wife as pillion.She was in the loo when he heard her make a noise. She was dead on the floor, had a massive stroke which killed her instantly. He was sage enough to be grateful for her quick death as she was about to go out for a ride doing something that she loved!
    At 82 he is as fit as a fiddle and regularly rides to Norfolk and back, and thinks nothing of a 100 mile spin.
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  7. Its not the THC, its the years on speed, acid and E thats done that. I knew when to stop and that was 15yrs ago or so. My THC intake these days is so mild as to be 1 spliff a day of hash and a mild one at that is fine. 2on a saturday and sunday. Never when riding or driving. Just common sense stuff now.

    Good on the old boy. Sorry about his wife but thats how I'd like to go. Preparing to do something I loved one second and dead the next. As long as thats at some point in the distant future.

    82 and fit as a fiddle? I'm 48 and as fit as a the most laziest butchers dog. Lucky old guy.
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