...you start today or what? Taking different tack now..1hr total body free weights workout (old school) 3 days with 2 at least hour long cardio session in between. Had the weigh in and measure up yesterday...starting 114 kgs or 18st old money Lets see 31 Jan
You be careful with what you are doing...........I was 9 stone and 5'-6" in 1976 - 77.........and then I went to the gym........in a year and half I was 13.5 stone and couldn't get anything off the peg to fit me........I'm still 12 now..... AL
I have worked out that if you lose 4 stone, you will accelerate 8% quicker on your bike, roughly. That must add up to whole seconds a lap. :smile:
At 19st I was setting 1'50 dead lap times arpund cadwell with 48hp Thats the plan Glidd, get few more kilos off bot up my fitness is more important so I can concentrate on track and keep upright. I can do 25 miles off road over dale and moor on MTB and need to be able to do 50
bloody hell i cant climb the stairs with out putting a sweat on, in my late teens i got in to rugby and the jim became very addictive. then i discovered fags. :frown:
Hats off and good luck to anyone trying to lose weight. Im not losing weight 13'5 @ 6'0 just getting fitter, getting home and its dark and raining, but i get out on my MTB with lights etc in the country lanes and feel good the next morning. If i wanted to lose weight i would just go on a diet, but i still have a massive supply of mince pies and brandy butter to get through. No way am i wasting those babies lol:wink:
Weights will bulk you up, long cardio is what burns fat, coupled with eating less. Cycling is great, but not much fun at this time of year. Calories in - Calories out = Fat stored It really is as simple as that.
I can recommend the 5:2 fasting diet - been doing it for over a year now, and it's very simple and easy: two days a week you eat around 600 kcals (a bowl of porridge is about 180, a banana is about 100) five days a week you eat whatever you like no need to obsessively avoid cheese / fat / biscuits... which makes it much easier to stick to long term If you can stick to it for two weeks (which is only four days really...!) you should find your appetite actually reduces as your body gets used to the idea that food is not continually available in vast quantities. Then it becomes easy. Nowadays I find myself looking forward to a 'light-eating' day as I start to feel sick and bloated if I don't do it at least once a week. It's really not a hardship, and as your habits and appetite change you will start to use up some of that stored body fat naturally. My wife has high cholesterol and has found that her cholesterol level has dropped almost 20%. The same happened to a mate of mine who has been on statins for years and monitors his cholesterol every month: previously it had never wavered by more the 0.1 or 0.2. Since being on the 5:2 diet it's dropped by a whole unit, from 6.x to 5.x. I feel a bit slovenly after eating and drinking over Christmas but I know that a couple of weeks fasting again will see me right. cheers, Dom
Trouble is you have so little energy for exercise, you end up burning muscle rather than fat (allegedly) when exercising
You will know if you are burning muscle rather than fat as your sweat will stink of ammonia. I would get to the 1hour 45 minute point and feel the switch over from glycogen to muscle. Burning fat rather than glycogen is much less oxygen dependent (and ammonia is a by product of the different chemical reaction) so you will find your breathing rate slows and you feel less f****d for want of a better word, but your pace will stay the same. Once you get in to that zone you really can just run until you drop.
When doing gym work, alternate the days on which you work on an area of the body.....IE, Do chest one day, legs another, shoulders and biceps another.........if you don't, you will end up burning off what you gained the day before........ I found the best thing for burning off fat and building on muscle generally everywhere was squats (reps)..........Not the machine version, but free weights........
Have gone old school Al, having done lots of split days in the past, so its 6 exercises, all free weights, to work the large muscle groups, and dropping a muscle group once a week, chest, back, bicep, shoulders, hamstrings, quads, calves and abs. Different exercise eg chest press monday, inclined press weds, no chest friday. Takes an hour and go heavy or go home! Plus means my HR is in that fat burn zone easily for the whole time.
Squats and dead lift are the big daddies of compound exercises! I love a squat. I find a lot of people don't do them properly, but I see that with most exercises. I'm an ass to grass man. Also, my lower back is weak so I have had to build up dead lift very slowly, I'm only on 150lb, but I haven't got a back injury this time. It's so easy to get wrong.
That's the kiddy...........when you can get to 380kg on squats (reducing reps; increasing weight) you'll be there............... PS.............F*****d if I can do it now (30 years on)........ PPS..............The shorter you are the easier it is.................So I win...... :biggrin: