V Twin (Engine) coffee table

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Troy, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Anyone got one for sale or know of one for sale?
  2. Full engine or cases?
  3. Tony from motocorse had one, assume he took it with him..
  4. Either will do. Just want one for my reception area at the office. Been on twat web and all I find is V8 blocks or bandit engine ones wtf!! There was a nice Ferrari one but 2.5k is taking the piss imo
  5. Looking to make some later in the year, when I get some free time.

    I'll need to source some old cases/barrels etc.
  6. I will hang fire on any purchase then final_edition. If you pm me with a rough cost and I will send a pick of the area its got to fit in with 2 tub chairs either side.
  7. I'll look into glass costs etc. The engines will be cleaned(dipped/blasted) and either powder coated or natural finish but lacquered to protect them.
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