I personally like the Ohlins forks and shock ........ stickers BTW Right kit in garage could just mean more money then sense then again in this case all I see in garage are weights.... Want to bet he is as big as a sofa as smart as a .....
Yeah - but on the flipside. You put a bike on ebay and instantly because its gone on ebay it means that its worth fuck all...4 year or so back I put on a 04 z1000 for 3k with full akra system plus other goodies (going price at the time was about 3.3k to 3.5k) an orange one as well which was the more desirable colour. Within 10 mins some twat offered me 2k for it and then preceeded to tell me that for 3k "youll never get rid for that mate"....sold at the asking price on autotrader... It really is infuriating sometimes advertising stuff on there as you always have to deal with twats thinking they can get something for nothing.
In this case they'd be getting nothing very much, for quite a lot... No harm in chancing your arm I guess - imagine if somebody fell for it: would be like winning the lottery! Ebay is perfect for trying your luck, both as a seller and as a buyer, but if you want a good honest price for a bike I'd advertise elsewhere.
Not just for bikes - pretty well anything I find....phones is another one....usually seems to attract skint twats...
It is not about being skint. It is the attitude of I am "smarter" then you plus later on bragging rights of how much of a bargain I got from that "idiot".
I've bought and sold many bikes on e-bay and have had trouble free buys and sales on all accounts. I don't even bother looking or advertising on Auto-trader if I'm buying to add to my collection or even selling something as in my experience people don't bother with Auto-trader anymore and e-bay there are many many bikes for sale so to say there are only shit bikes on e-bay I think is a little unfair. Like with most vehicles some people want Champagne driving for Lemonade prices , just check the bike or car before you buy.
right, if there's a keyboard player out there, that's the musicians sorted, and we just need a drummer
I don't have a drum kit, I am really bad at playing the drums, can I join??? oh and I can't sing to save my life.