Knob end copper

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mr C, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. I like Scottish people. (If the truth be told, I frequently prefer them to English people...)
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  2. i can understand that. :wink:
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  3. Strangely I feel more at home north of the border than south of Kendal :wink:
  4. as far as I know the only tarmac you cant park on under the aviation act is the runway...have u been to spec savers !!! lol
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  5. Air Conditioners Are Bullshitters?
  6. Its not racist. Us Jocks are not a different race. White Europeans. Unless it was a Jock with Asian or African family origins then it was. Anyway I wasnt offended, it was banter. Nought wrong with that.

    We Jocks are made of sterner stuff. Alcohol and Lard for the most part.

    Tattie Scones Rool!!
  7. Just my "two-penneth"... Being a police officer is undoubtedly, on occasions, a pretty shitty job and they have to deal with complete arseholes on a regular basis... BUT if they treated members of the general public with a little respect, instead of assuming that everyone is an arsehole, then they would get a lot more support and respect from ordinary, law-abiding people...
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  8. Seamless mate, took you almost no time at all to dream up that one:upyeah:
  9. Kendall is still quite well north of the boarder. We all know civilisation ends at Watford gap :p
  10. This is true, but the Lake District is a little haven of civilisation oop north, except that the inhabitants have the most ridiculous accent imaginable, making them appear to have a sub-100 IQ.

    The Lake District is probably the best bit of Britain.
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  11. I've been busy at work fitting people up lying cheeping beating them to death in custody etc etc…..oh hang on thats the pleasure of a real world education..
  12. Copper asked you to move, so move.
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  13. [​IMG]
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  14. Yes Sir Yes :rolleyes:

    Would he be sucking your balls before or after you had moved?

    About Andyd

    Biography:Suck my balls.....copper.....
    #174 Mr C, Jan 8, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2014
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  15. lol, damm, discovered.....haha still covers up the day job ;)
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  16. Quoted for re-use later...
  17. Originally Posted by Andyd "Copper asked you to move, so move." - Predictable...
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  18. :D feel the power JR! Still lugging the chip.

  19. [​IMG]
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