My ex-office had no biscuits and cakes, but it did have a heavily subsidised bar with proper bar people who made fab cocktails. :smile:
But you're an educated, free-thinking, responsible adult. The presence of biscuits does not take away your freedom choice to eat them or not eat them, Take responsibility for your eating, and choose to eat well and live strong
Lol - problem is 10 years ago when working with horses I was fit without trying a size 8 and could eat anything / and did , including nice young men like yourself
World's biggest spirits company. The stories about the "good old days" in which it was almost obligatory to go to the pub and imbibe the company's products at lunchtime were truly epic. Naturally, by my time a decade later, you wouldn't find anyone in the bar drinking anything stronger than coffee until at least 5pm. I never knew anyone working for the company with a drinks problem. People like that don't last long in any FTSE 100 company, no matter what their product is. It was a fun place to be Friday evening, though.
My ex next door neighbour used to be Marketing Director for Scottish & Newcastle breweries. He tells many funny stories from the "good old days" :smile:
There's some bad news Sugar is as dangerous as alcohol and tobacco, warn health experts - Telegraph and some good news Sex as good as sport for burning calories - Telegraph
Some of you might find this interesting. She's not a great speaker, but her points are good. May save you some effort and heartache. Sandra Aamodt: Why dieting doesn't usually work | Video on
I'm old, with buggered knees,a dodgy back,and working for myself there's plenty of long hours and seven day weeks. So I'm just losing weight. It's of cake. Muesli for breakfast. One of those horrible rice-cake thingies and a banana for lunch. Normal meat and two veg dinner. We're not busy at the moment so I'm inventing useful forms of exercise, like washing trucks. I can't bear aimlessly running about or cycling for no reason. I can lose about 2 lbs a week,if I stick to it. Anything below 16st though,and people think I'm either playing away,or need to see a Doctor. My mate said people choose to be fat,because no-one ever accidentally eats a Mars bar.
Just got back from a three mile run. So don't worry Tom, I'm still training hard !!....................looks like just you and me then ?
I have joined the gym myself and been 6 times in the week I've joined but only doing cross trainer , it would appear I've gone too hard as I'm doing roughly hr 150 when I should be aiming for around the 120 , I'm going to try lowering my heart rate for the next 2 weeks and see what results I get , 44 years old and 16 st 9 not good