Every time you fill up the bike add 1/2 a pint of the old petrol. It will be very diluted with the fresh stuff and won't do any harm.
I've just finished using some petrol that was at least 2 or 3 yrs old, and was siphoned from a tank which was half full of water. I just mixed a litre or two with every tankful of fresh fuel. I only used it in the winter hack (honda dommie) though. Didn't fancy putting it through the ducati.
I lobbed two gallons of petrol in the company (diesel) van, albeit by mistake. Not a murmur. Only realised my mistake when I went to top up the bike with the other can and smelt diesel, by which time I'd lobbed at least half a gallon in. Guess what...not a murmur.
Get some long Canes , one of your holy socks , wrap the sock around the top of the cane , soak the old sock with the petrol , stick the stakes on either side of your driveway and light them will look really well. Then the neighbours will maybe want some should get rid of the 5 litres easy, or leave the 5 litre drum in the neighbours back garden after dark.
as far as i am aware there is no recycling for petrol as there is such as oil was told the only legal disposal of petrol was to run through an engine although i could be totally wrong
When you park your car, leave the can by the boot... Someone will steal it and then it's their hard luck if it buggers there vehicle up..
A couple of years ago a guy came up to me in the street near my home, and gave me a hard luck story about having run out of petrol in his car, and didn't have any money on him. Could I 'lend' him the price of a gallon? I said I can do better than that, and I fetched a spare gallon can full of fuel out of my garage. I offered to do him a favour, and pour the fuel into his tank free of charge. The guy looked shocked, then worried, then he made hasty excuses and left hurriedly.
There use to be a ginger woman near me who used to walk around the petrol station with a fuel can asking for money so she can put some in her can, as she had run out. I offered to fill he can but she didn't want to know. for months she was a regular at the station and would slink out of the way when I drove in. As for the council tip, they went berserk after I tried to put diesel contaminated with petrol that I had put in my van. It drove about a mile before conking out. I went to the ind units nearby and a mechanic snapped my arm off for it, to use in his parts wash tank.
Top tip - Do NOT put it into any engine that you want to keep working. I made the mistake of chucking about half a gallon of left-over lawnmower petrol, of dubious age, into the 600 Monster. It created no end of problems - gumming up the filters, the pump and the carbs. Once the crap gets in there it's a real pain to get out - and it doesn't take very much...
Microbial Contamination | Avoiding Fuel System Wear & Blockage MBG (MicroBiological Growth) | PureFuel Technologies MBG grows on the interface between fuel and water - trust me when I say it is VERY difficult to get rid of once it gets into a fuel system. It has become far more prevelant since the quality of petrol in the has gone downhill, mainly because of the way that ethanol in the petrol cause it to attract water. Still, "ya pays yer money, ya takes yer chance"...
Mtfu and drink it you northern softy, or put it in a special container label it 13.07.02 and phone your local waste carrier and see if they will dispose of it
Following on from the "getting it stolen" idea... I once had a can of outboard engine fuel stolen. It was pre-mix two-stroke fuel at 50:1 for my old Johnson engine. The dick-head that stole it put it in his Seagul engine... I know it was him because old Seaguls engines run on a mix of about 15:1 - his seized solid after about 30 minutes of running... It would have been a lot cheaper for him to just buy his own fuel... "What goes around, comes around".