The Great English Dialect Quiz

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. Spectacularly South East. Which isn't a surprise as I was born and raised in Hampshire. Mate.
  2. Errr I'm spectacularly south east
    I think I must be adopted :-/

    Thank goodness I'm not fantastically welsh
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  3. Spec sou east and geographically I'm even souther :smile:
  4. Im spectacularly south east :smile: . Well they got the south bit right.
    I think the pomms have the best grasp on the English language . Cockney rhyme , and just some expressions that you have to think about a bit . IE tother night on telly , policeman ( 99+% honest Im sure :tongue:) describing the rapidly departing ( on foot ) suspect as " really giving it some legs now " . To say nothing of Del boy , Dereck and Clive , Benny Hill. The language can be as funny as the jokes it is used to tell . I love UK TV :upyeah:
  5. Says I'm south east. I was raised in Brum and have lived in Northants for some time. I suppose it is South East of Iceland.
  6. Spectacular South East, which aint bad for a North Londoner like me :upyeah:
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  7. south east? born in paisley, 10 years in aberdeen, 15 years on the west coast o Scotland. got a private education for first few years seemingly that can de accent ya. i now feel dirty and violated.
  8. Another Ridiculously Northern here.

    If it was anywhere south of Kendal I would have been devastated.
  9. Aye... 'appen as not and like as maybe, tha's reet... Nah then, where's me tea ? Al 'ave that then am just off out t'take yon whippet for a walk...
  10. Load o rubbish if yer ask me, fancy not havin the word muffin fer a muffin.
  11. Spectacularly South-East.

    Should have been Happily Home Counties
  12. Me too.......North Essex born.........
  13. Bummer - I'm also spectacularly south east - the years in exile have clearly taken their toll.

    I'm Scouse by birth, Yorkshire by blood, lived 5 years in North Yorkshire, 4 glorious years in Northumberland, but aged 9 moved down to Bedfordshire (the most nondescript of Home Counties) and have been stuck down south ever since. I still keep asking myself how come I ended up living south of the M4 (which to my other half, who grew up near Portsmouth, is the frozen north!)

    My accent mutates depending on who I speak to (I find myself sounding more northern if on the phone to the very Yorkshire or very Mancunian employees of some of the insurance companies I deal with who have offices in Sheffield, York and Salford) though the flat "a" is a constant - bath not baaarth!
    #15 MrsC_772, Jan 9, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2014
  14. Spectacularly South-East. But originally from the Isle of Wight!
  15. Spectacularly South East...but then being a Ramsgate boy...I should bloody well hope so :upyeah:
    BTW...43 years living in the Midlands doesn't seem to have had any adverse effects :biggrin:......thank God.
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  16. Oi be proper english from the west country.......:tongue:
  17. Born in Guy's and a SE Londoner.
  18. Thats ruined my Night Spectacularly South East
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