got my math wrong - I was definitely early twenties.... heart jumped a beat then - I thought - you know me....ironically without adding to the story too much the person that got away I knew someone that knew him....apparently he got chased into someone garage, dropped the bike, ran out the side door, vaulted a couple of fences and was gone....the overweight one tried, failed and a little old lady came of her house and started shouting at him....closely watched by all the neighbours...this is all heresay as I wasn't there...
Point is more often than not my run-ins with the plod have been bad....on the flipside I got pulled over couple of years after that by two traffic cops. They told gave me a 14dayer for my number plate. But told me that earlier on in the evening a couple of kids (both on a Honda melody) one on the back drunk with a bottle of wine..... "We followed him at about 25 mph and he wouldn't stop." "We thought we had him then he turned down an alleyway and lost us" "If I had a gun I would have shot him!" Funny bloke, funnier as they were driving a sierra 4x4 estate...
Yup - 7/11 conversion - easy in those could buy that set of lugs and the 1100 mill would go straight in...although it had to go in with the rocker cover off and also sideways....
I've a number of clients who are Police Offices and they are really genuine, nice people, they hate these small minded "jobsworth" coppers as much as we do.
My brother is a Plod, my 'best mate' is an ex-30 Met Plod..........both of them were/are p*ssed off with jobsworths and the chief constables.
To be fair most of them are decent enough, I have not had any rozzer dealings since 2008 (SP30) he was an epic bell end with zero personality. My guess is bullied at school, although I could be wrong
Yeah - as I say I do bear a grudge. But in all fairness I got caught recently down in poole - me and some work mates went down to see what bike night was all about and I got pinched for a noisy pipe and small plate on my RSV4 - and, he did give me a warning and sent me on my way as id never been down there before....even I would say the pipe was uber noisy (Austin can with baffles out..) - even I put the baffles back in when I got home... however - my mate who saw me get pulled over rode on for a bit til it was safe to pull in with the other bike copper behind him. Soon as he got off the copper was in his face claiming that he was evading arrest buy not pulling over....
Nah - that's what it is....I have no idea where it is now or even if its still alive... I always remember selling it. Bloke turned up all cocky....I said yup you can have a go as long as the dosh stays with me....left me - heard the bike turn on to the main road, heard it open up, heard it hit the rev limiter in 2nd and then nothing for 30 mins. Though that was then end of it (ie crashed) - he came back eyes streaming and visor missing. Didn't question the price. Job done.
reasonable and reasoned sort of response……... Have you found out yet then? where you were and why you were asked to move…? go on ask………
Like I said earlier even if I was in the wrong the guy was still a weapons grade bell end. Me making my own further investigation with GMP as to what why where wouldnt exhonorate the bell end attitude at the time. Maybe today where ever he is he is having a far better day and is a nicer person for it Are you stuggling with the fact that a fellow officer could be deemed by a memeber of the public as having a bell end attitude and like I also have stated he may actually have been a lovely chap. Who knows?
Oi, Mr C, was it this guy that pulled you..?:biggrin: I'm sure andy can prove he did nothing wrong...
Look on thge bright side Mr C... At least your knob-head copper was actually there - he didn't make up a whole load of lies about you and e-mail them to his local MP afterwards...