I would just like to say "Happy Birthday" to David Bowie, who is 67 today and Shirley Bassey who is 77 today... Also, Elvis Presley would have been 79 today. And Cyril Terence "Tom" Delaney, the oldest person ever to hold a motor racing licence, would have been 103 today. I'm sure it's someone else's birthday today too...
ya think !? O M G ! How bored are you :biggrin::biggrin: ........................ ha ha probly not as bored as me for reading this in the 1st place . I have just been " solar roasting" ants and beetles with a magnifying glass to relieve the tedium , then the cat eats them ... team effort :smile:
Sadly Char, whilst I appreciate the thought, I fear it may be a little worse for wear by the time it got here...
My gf's Birthday too, I took Evangeline to see Dirty Dancing at Piccadilly Theatre after meal at Wetherspoons. I know how to treat a Lady. Belated MHR to you JR45.