The officer in question acted exactly as he was trained to do and made a judgement call, in that situation i believe it was the correct call. I also believe that had the officer been wearing a camera as has been sugested today the same decision would have been made by the jury. Yes there are some 'bent coppers' out there but the vast majority of them are out there to do a job, to protect us from those who wish to live outside the law. I come from a Police family (Mum, Dad and my bother have all been on the force) and i have a lot of friends who are Officers too, they are all very hard working and have to put up with a serious amount of abuse, i certanly wouldn't want their job!
Wasn't an armed policewoman that shot the Rigby killer?:wink: PS.......I have an ancient very rusty 12 bore would still kill someone......not necessarily the person that was firing it.
Injury Lawyers 4U shares fell overnight after the jury's verdict made it so much harder for the family to get massive damages off the Met (taxpayer)
From memory, the policewoman tried to get her gun out, but was restricted as she was in the back of a car and her holster had caught up in the door (not enough room to get her revolver out) - A colleague then shot the first one through the car window when he was running towards the car with the cleaver raised above his head...
So we've covered Rigby, the video footage that was widely shown, the fact that the two killers went on to attack the police, and were shot as it was a "threat to life" situation. Back on Duggan, the guy that was arrested while in a cab. We don't have the video evidence just witness testimony. Has anyone actually read it? Hint -
If Duggan managed to fling that gun as far as he is supposed to have done, then I reckon he should have been in the UK Olympic Team for the Shotputting event....... .............mind you, I would have flung it away looks in sh*te order (and as though it is a converted die-cast metal replica....could be wrong, but the metal colour suggests it is).........
Don't know the ins and out really but a couple thing sticks out A. Poor Mark Duggan. I'm half serious here as the kid never had a chance, being born in to such a family. Society fail. But in the end of the day you make your own decisions and I'm not too concerned about his death. B. Police officers should be able to tell the truth without being vilified in Media. I think it's fair to say that some mistakes have been made here, but everyone makes mistakes, even the police and when they do it can get deadly. We can't go around blaming them when the fuck something up, but we should be able to expect them to be truthful to avoid this kind of circus. We must expect and accept some deaths as collateral damage if if want a functioning police force.
i think the cops just fitted the guy up, fabricated the evidence, told a load of lies, place the gun at the scene………….im with Pete 1950 on this one…….
Maybe he was pointing 2 of his his fingers with the wrist sideways, while making a "Brapp brapp" noise.
criminals dont like the police getting in the way of thier activities ...stop and search is only a issue if your trying to hide something it only takes a minute whats the problem ? drugs are illegal and youths are still stabbing each other ..let the police crack on .. Duggan a jury of his peers have found him to have been lawfully killed so he had his justice ... them 2 evil scum who murdered lee Rigby ..will get full life term with no chance of parole..but will cost me the tax payer thousands !! the armed officers who shot them did a great job ..and remained proffessional even knowing these 2 scum had tried to cut a young dads head off ..i maybe would have shot them in the head in anger !! ...
make your mind up pete!! i understood you rather dramatically and without evidence or fact said "these things happen all the time"………i guess your court mates and a jury don't agree with you here now do they….
Surely you don't expect him to quote line by line each and every one..... That would be an incorrect assumption.....
Coppers don't go around fitting people up as general practice, cop-bashing is getting really boring and just smells of juvenile teenage bollox. Most probably happens though as I'm yet to see any walk of life where you won't find stupid vindictive individuals. Something went wrong, a copper might have gotten nervous or something like that. If then the cops already knew of Duggan and he had a reputation it would be even easier to for things to go tits up. Always unfortunate when some one gets hurt or like in this case killed unnecessarily but like I said, collateral damage. I've had me run in with the cops when a kid and never trusted them but these days I like giving them the benefit of the doubt. It can't be a easy job. Specially now when they have NO room for error without be bashed by media. They are expected to be perfect and that's just not reasonable.
I didn't say these things happen in every single case, or even in most cases. Sometimes they happen, and sometimes they don't. They do indeed happen all the time, which means frequently. Would help if I defined the meaning of "sometimes" for you, since you seem to be struggling to grasp it?
Nope, 6/1/2014 you said, People get arrested for nothing. People get beaten to death in police custody, and no action is taken against those responsible. People get fitted up for offences they did not commit, and sent to prison for years. These things happen all the time, in the UK, and have affected great numbers of people. In the scheme of things, being spoken to rudely and being ordered about by some dickhead cop is very small beer indeed. The OP should think himself lucky he is still alive, and at liberty, after his little encounter with the police. not sometimes, but, happen all the time……….are you struggling to grasp what it was you said?
I don't know enough about the case. I did catch some of the evidence regarding the supposed throwing of the gun. I am surprised at the verdict, on what I heard. as for Menezes, there is no way the police were involved in that. That was SAS or MI5. I was working in Scotland Yard at the time and asked a couple of people there if it was the Met involved. The answer was "no". You would expect it to be MI5 or SAS anyway. The papers were also full of the method of"execution" which suggested SAS. Never any chance if someone from those organisations being sent to court.