Apple TV

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. If you are using it linked to your TV (I have a Mac mini dual core about 5 years old and it works fine) then download XBMC and configure it to stream 'stuff'
    It's much better than an Apple TV (I have both) and has a beautiful interface.

  2. To be honest I bought a 27" iMac direct from Apple 2 months ago and once you connected to the web Mavericks was available to download as was imovie 10 plus a few other apps. As Mavericks is a free "upgrade" I guess it doesn't come preloaded.

    However, another question can I use airplay etc to link an ipad to my iMac? Or vice versa?
  3. Depends what you want to do.
    You can use an iPad to pilot a Mac via airplay (for example, using it as a remote to control iTunes on the Mac).
    I had thought that all synchs needed to use the cable, but these things keep changing. Maybe it's no longer necessary (but I would have thought it was and it's bound to be quicker).
  4. I also think you can, but I haven't got that far yet. But so far so good. The playback quality of catch up TV and BT Sport (for MotoGP) on a 32" TV is excellent from a sensible distance away. I am still looking at networking with a PC and backup solutions, but I have to do a bit of tidying up first.
  5. I've got the Apple remote app on my ipad but I'm wondering if there's anything native it could do like dual screen etc
  6. Ive ordered one now. Now Blockbusters has gone, I need to use a streaming film service. My TV isn't 'smart' so i wanted an interface. Plus I have macs at home and we are on iPhones here too.
  7. This Apple TV is fucking ace.
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