The Great English Dialect Quiz

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. well says i am spectacualy south east
    what a load of sh**
    north east lincolnshire born
  2. Wonderfully Westcountry me luvver!
  3. Gyat, bunch of maize ellers ...
  4. Spectacularly South East.......What a load of cock.
  5. Spectacularly. SoutH East. Most of the choices I wouldn't use.
  6. Ee, lads n lasses, I'm very northern tha sees!
  7. West cun tree, oh are .
  8. I have the feeling if Pete1950 took the test it would come out saying 'Royal Family' :biggrin:
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  9. as in the Monarchy, not the TV show...just to clarify :wink:
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