National Black Police Association

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. LBD is OK, by me.................
  2. The President of the NBPA is a friend of mine.
  3. Its all a black art to me and who thought it was a good idea to give women the vote!!! pmsl
  4. You want to be more concerned about the APCC.
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  5. And ?
  6. or the PJF or was it PFJ
  7. And ! Is it coz you is black.
  8. What does the NBPA have to do with positive discrimination?
  9. From the NBPA website Mission Statement

    The National Black Police Association seeks to improve the working environment of Black staff by protecting the rights of those employed within the Police Service and to enhance racial harmony and the quality of service to the Black community of the United Kingdom.

    Is this not positive discrimination ?

    Again substitute 'White' for 'Black' and re evaluate.
    #30 johnv, Jan 9, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2014
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  10. Clearly not.

    Since when was seeking equality positive discrimination?

    Maybe you should walk a few miles in the shoes of a group if people who suffer discrimination?
  11. You are interpreting discrimination in a pejorative way. I absolutely agree people should not be treated differently due to the colour of their skin, however it is NBPA that is differentiating police officers according to the colour of their skin.

    an act or instance of discriminating, or of making a distinction.
    treatment or consideration of, ormaking a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, orcategory to which that person or thing belongs ratherthan on individual merit: racial and religiousintolerance and discrimination.
    the power of making finedistinctions; discriminating judgment: She chose the colors with great discrimination.
    Archaic. something that serves to differentiate.
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  12. John, substitute any colour / creed / motorcycle preference etc. you like, it will still be rather can they promote harmony by only representing one subset of the total community?
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  13. Some of the day to day Predjudice faced by black & asian police from the public aswell as other police are pretty unpleasant.

    so, while it could be argued that organised factions like this are divisive, minority groups organising themselves to promote changes that will foster a more equitable and less discriminatory working environment seems like a good way to handle a tricky problem. the prejudice is not going away overnight.

    Therefore i think positive discrimination ( if thats what this us) is the lesser evil for the time being at least

    Only problems arise when the power that's given to these factions is abused.....
    #34 funkatronic, Jan 10, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2014
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  14. There is no such thing as positive discrimination, there is only discrimination. I don't believe it can ever be a good thing.
  15. how would you address the problem fig?
  16. Anyway, type national black police association into

    Then check out what wikipizzle has to say about it:biggrin:
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  17. Dunno, but I don't believe segregating people is going to help.
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  18. :biggrin:
  19. nobody else, just him
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