This is turning into a free for all bun fight with allegation and counter allegation , with opposing views being thrown like punches on a Friday night, and posters (postees?) defending their own profession against all comers and dummy's being spat over the tiniest of factual inaccuracies. I have to say in absolute honesty, please please continue as it's making my frickin night.
He got shot because he had it wrapped in brown paper and he pointed it at the armed officers, having been told to put it down.
Oddly enough I was just about to post a thread saying the usual concise level of debate has plummeted recently and we have had some utterly shameful displays of ignorance, attitude and disrespect of others opinions. Between this, the knob head copper, and the apple NSA thread I'm questioning my desire to be a part of this forum anymore.
As far as I am concerned, some people here can't stand their ideas or other members of their profession being criticised or questioned. We are all entitled to our views, but when sheer ignorance causes the level of intelligent comment to drop to name calling, then don't be surprised if some comes back.
The problem with any debate concerning the police is you get the police haters always hated them always will (generally until they need them) you get those who are not pre disposed to them due to over zealous knob head power crazed uniform junkies, that may have stopped them in a moment requiring an ego massage, then you get those who think the old bill are half reasonable and do a difficult job ( these voices tend to be shouted down fairly early on. Then finally you get serving officers defending their own , who get backed into defending them irrespective of what may be said as it's difficult to let go of criticism towards a vocation that identifies who you are and defines you. Therefore a criticism of the job feels like a stab in the ribs ( mainly due to the fact that group a and b don't see what the last group see on a daily basis). therefore you are facing an impasse, no group backing down no group wholly accepting of the others views, until it descends into this.
Moral of the story is never wrap anything in brown paper as if challenged and you don't put it down when advised,you will get shot.Don't for god sake ever buy a top shelf magazine wrapped in brown paper as you may have a different type of magazine emptied into you.
I'm not a police hater by any means but owing to some of their colleagues' behaviour and their overall attitude today is, has turned a high percentage of the public against them and the further they pursue their attitude, the worse it will get. Besides, as already mentioned I have Plod relatives and close friends.......It is rather surprising (or maybe not) what I get told.
Al not putting you in that camp at all, but these threads never get anywhere as everyone is usually defensive of their own positions and is not willing to compromise. I completely agree about the attitude of some officers and their inate ability to strutt like peacocks and rub the general public up the wrong way.
So perhaps all police should just not be armed, and in cases like this where a gun is mentioned or in the case of the Manchester police officers who were shot dead - should we just simply send more police and let them keep shooting or throwing grenades til they are out of ammunition - then once loads of police are dead and they are all out of bullets we can just pile in with more unarmed police and effect an arrest. Would that make you happy Al lol
I am amazed that so many seem to have such a strong opinion that the jury was wrong and from only the media/rumourmill, they have a better understanding of the "facts" and seem to be jumping on the family's "black community" view of the events. There are a lot of unheard black members of our community that believe Duggan was a criminal and put himself at risk once he took possession of a firearm. Duggan dealt with guns and if he chose to carry one then he and anyone of any skin colour/race/religion is putting themselves at risk of the consequences. I believe the vast majority of the public would want the police to take people off our streets who are armed with guns (or knives!). I have confidence in the 10 jurors, having heard evidence for 3 months, being able to come out with a considered opinion that is in all probability correct. The Police are certainly not trigger happy (0 fatalities 2013, 2 in 2012, etc. - Police fatal shootings). They are of course human and make mistakes (understandable in this instance). Carrying videocams is a good move for all and I do also think the IPCC acted very poorly in their dealings and the whole process of the Police investigating themselves has lost credibility and needs to change. Lessons to be learnt for sure but I still have confidence and am happy to support the Police (except those Plebgate idiots who I hope get kicked out and lose their pensions!)