Licensing teachers

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Tristram Hunt, obvious Labour politician with his posh accent and over pronounced words...why does everyone have to be 'passionate' about their job or they clearly are not doing a good one?!

    Lets add more cost for red tape :rolleyes:
  2. Why not have people dedicated to educating others about the legal trade in alchohol?
  3. And guess who'll have to pay for the licence updating?
  4. i think the parents should pay………not everyone!
  5. Politicians here love to be seen to be doing something , they cant help it, its in their nature. Sometimes the best course of action is to do nothing, I wish they would learn that .
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  6. I know its wrong of me but when I saw him make his statement on TV I just sat there thinking "what does a young inexperienced boy like him know about anything". I must be getting old!
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  7. Don't just do something, stand there (said in a loud voice).
  8. Yes Stevie, perhaps the majority of our leading politicians are too young and inexperienced.
  9. They were stating somewhere "it will make the good ones rise and the bad ones will be weeded out"

    Forgive me but haven't offstead been doing this for long enough to good effect. More red tape with some politician wanting to make a name for themselves imho
  10. Old working class Tristan had 'I wanna be leader' written all over his smug face

    bring back Prescott
  11. Who are we slagging off today? Teachers, politicians or coppers?
  12. I have very little understanding of anyone who does do not do as I do. Would I want to be a teacher? No, therefore I cannot understand why anyone would.Therefore, I have no empathy for the dedicated ones or their task. Does society need teachers, yes. I am all at sea.
  13. Have a crack at all 3 bootsam...filler yer boots ;-)
  14. don't forget all of that annual leave that comes with the job too not least the 6 weeks in the summer……...:wink:
  15. I've got what I think is a good workable idea,why not introduce qualifications which all perspective MP's have to pass before becoming "honourable members". shall we make it a 3 years degree course to be updated every 3 years....:)
  16. Why not, that way they will have even less life skills and more political education :upyeah:
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