For Nature Lovers

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mervyn, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. I spotted a bumble bee in the garden this afternoon.I have never seen one so early in the year before-hope it gets back home before the temp drops later under the clear skies we have for once.
  2. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-----zzzzzzzzzzz------zzzzzz----zzzz-----zzz-----zzub......

    No, it didn't.
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  3. Interesting mervyn, we saw a butterfly on the fence in the back garden earlier this week - poor fella will be a bit chilly tonite, unless he has got his legwarmers on...
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  4. And one of my chickens has started laying eggs already. Must be Spring.
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  5. We had a load of (and I mean over 30) ladybirds come through the dining room window on Christmas day.
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  6. were they doing a conga from next door??!!!!!!

    or had you been 'testing' the cooking sherry again…….
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  7. Nice to read your replies.another thing I have noticed is a lack of squirells.We normally see one or two around most days-we saw one briefly a few weeks ago and nothing since.Nature seems to be doing some weird things.
  8. My tulips are up about three inches

    That sounds wrong but you know what I mean
  9. If it was a 'traditional' bumble bee, it was probably evicted from the nest as they are at the end of every season. Sadly when that happens they are destined to perish pretty quickly as their mandibles arnt large enough to feed themselves :-(
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