Change one word and I am in full agreement The problem with economic union is that it doesn't work beyond the very superficial without political union; hence the PIIGS mess. I am strongly against further political integration.
It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. - Winston Churchill Unfortunately too many people want to win the argument rather than come to the best solution for all, what ever that may be.
Fine. What I expect our politicians to do is have grown-up conversations with other Euro leaders to try and find out what people are feeling and what they really want. I am sure that there is much desire for EU change, but so far, I have seen no sign of trying to thrash this out, just endless talk about a referendum which essentially is saying "It's either like it is now, or we leave". That's a pretty crappy way of dealing with all the work that has gone on for the past 40 years or so.
Vote: the instrument and symbol of a freeman's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country. Ambrose Bierce
I don't think the EU leaders have anything in mind other than ever greater political union. What the people really want is the last thing on their minds.
I am sorry John, but you are misinformed. Tory Peers = 222 Labour Peers = 200 There are over 180 cross benchers. Half or so made up of the hereditary peers. The landed gentry who are chauffeured in by Bentley to push through stuff like the Poll Tax and vote against a ban on fox hunting. So, Tory sympathisers then. If we look at the Spiritual peers, only the Church of England is represented. No other faith. The UK is archaic. An unelected upper chamber, no written constitution.
You might want to read this It's pretty clear that the gender and ethnic balance of both chambers Dow not come close to representing society.
Why does Cameron say Unionism is bad when it comes to the EU. Ie other people making decisions on your behalf. And yet When it comes to Scotland and Independence, he says unionism is good, and its ok for Scotland to be subjected to Tory governments it doesn't vote for. Hypocritical bawbag!
What I said in relation to the Lords was "all of whom are unelected", which is correct, you then made the leap to The "unelected House of Lords" - most of those entitled to vote in that house are Tory. Not just Tory of course but 91 of the 92 are male. Only one female, and all white. without any mention of 'hereditary', and without that key word your statement is wrong. Another example of you reading what you want to read rather than what is actually written. It is like having two conversations with one in a parallel universe. What we do agree on is that the upper chamber is 'archaic', far too many jobs for the boys in my opinion. I thought the Poll Tax was a good idea, everyone benefits from local services so everybody pays for local services, with discounts for those on low income. What is unfair about that ? Fox hunting looks good fun, racing through the countryside on a horse rather than a motorbike. There are no penalty points for speeding and you don't get banned if you over indulge at lunchtime. OK yah.
Good idea. Let us hope the Tory party adopts your ideas on the poll tax and fox hunting for its next manifesto. These policies are so obviously vile and so unpopular they would amount to political suicide - the Tories would be out of government for the next three elections.
There is widespread agreement on all sides that the House of Lords is in need of reform. What there is not is any agreement on what form the new upper chamber should take. There are many options, and no one scheme commands much support. That is why the most recent attempts at reform were unsuccessful, and that remains the position for the moment.
"Can afford to pay for them" - if only! The essence of the poll tax was that everyone was forced to pay up, regardless of whether they had the means to pay or not. The tax was not proportionate to income, or assets, or expenditure, or anything else; it was just a flat figure. By 1990 even most Tory cabinet ministers had grasped how toxic the poll tax was, let alone the rest of the population. So you're only 23 years behind the curve on this one, johnv. Great, that means you've nearly caught up.
But think of the sense of community, making sacrifices for the good of all. And don't forget that those on low income and the unemployed got a discount. My Council Tax is unrelated to income, expenditure or ability to pay, yet I am still forced to pay it.
To be honest, although I'm not in favour of fox hunting I'm not particularly in favour of it's being banned either. It seems to me that it is little about killing foxes and much more about an upper-class horsey social event and I don't really have a problem with that. I'd be far more in favour if having battery pork banned in Britain. It involves far far more cruelty to animals than fox hunting does - simply on the scale of the amount of animals involved. But it's a lot easier to take a pop at the rich than it is to have to pay more for your sausages.
For arguments sake , suppose the pro E.U. Lobbyists get their wish and all member states are ruled by one singular based government , once this is achieved do you seriously think that this all powerful centralised committee , unelected or not will not be looking further afield . Firstly at the closer countries or independent jurisdictions , then spreading like a cancer over the globe , isn't this what Germany tried twice but with force.
Like most people drunk on power there is no end to their ambition. But they do it all for the benefit of others.