Don't spank

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ballbagracer, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Your monkey.
  2. but what if its bad?
  3. Is that a New Year Resolution or do you have a relationship with a local primate ?
  4. Do you mean that he bashes the bishop ?
  5. Just had a Bishops Finger
  6. aromatic digit?

  7. refer to my post re broken ass.
  8. mine was broken for years but finally got it welded last year.
  9. Mine's only slightly broken......... It's just got a crack in it :biggrin:
  10. now its got a hole in it.
  11. I one allowed to choke ones Chicken?
  12. Not if you work for " Chicken McNuggets "
  13. That's to stop the crack going any further :tongue:
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