I Just Couldn't Help Myself

Discussion in 'Sport Classic' started by andy1814, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. My ducati infatuation continues.........n it feels great :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 13
  2. A lovely bike. Does it come with free yoga sessions?
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Someone stole the footrests!:eek:
  4. Lovely, lovely, lovely!!... :upyeah:
  5. Are the big black triangles only off to allow the abba stand to be attached or do you have an alternative footpeg set up?
    If so I'll be interested to see how you support the Keihan cont reps.
  6. Nice bike! Looks like you have a GT1000 (in the background) as well. :upyeah:
  7. Yeah they are Dave, taking both wheels off to be powder coated so I had no choice really but to use the ABBA setup (used an old Paul Smart fitting kit). Must admit without the triangles it looks way smarter so I need to have a think about alternative footpegs/exhaust supports.:upyeah:
  8. Well spotted, yep it's lurking at the back of the garage alongside a 998S and 996.......I need help I think :rolleyes:
  9. SSie footpeg and brake/gear assemblies should bolt straight on I think, look neat, in fact I'm sure they are the same as the mono/PS set up. I have all my stuff collected now, sitting in a box and I'm just waiting on finding a neat solution to support the endcans.
    #10 Dave G, Jan 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2014
  10. As a fellow GT1000 owner, it would be nice to see some photos of your GT. What mods have you added to it?
  11. Here Ya Go :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  12. I don't feel so bad about buying a fuglystrada now:wink:
  13. HaHa yeah I see your point :mad:
  14. And his point is? [​IMG]
  15. i was behind one of those last september on lochness i didn't know what it was
  16. Point is it's as ugly as the fuglystrada from some angles.

    Don't start ganging up on me now:wink:
  17. love it want one
  18. Lovely SC, red being the best colour, those pipes sound great without the baffles.
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