The Top 75 Pictures of the Year for 2013 sometimes I have the imagination for shots like some of these , but my technical skills are lacking -more practice in 2014 I think.
Nice link I really like the nature photography on that one but my favourite has gotta be this site. Afghanistan, September, 2010 - The Big Picture - Loads of other great pics on other subjects also.
Wish to god I could take a decent photograph, but I'm the world's worst photographer. Some stunning pics there.
Wow - thankyou! There are some magnificent pictures there. Photography can be such a wonderful form of art.
Photography is the easy bit, it's the visualisation and creativity, that's the real art ( ok, a bit of photo skills to,capture what you want, in the way you want, but that's practice) get out there and take plenty of pics.
I thought these worthy a share