Softening up boots

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by figaro, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. My mate has very generously given me a pair of new Sidi Courier boots. I can see why he didn't get on with them; you just can't move your feet in them, they're so stiff I can't change gear or use the rear brake with any degree of finesse. So have any of you got any ideas on how to make the boots more supple?
  2. Try Nik Wax Leather restorer it helped with my TCX Infinity boots

    I use hot water to make them wet then spray on, leave for 5-10 min to soak in then polish off the excess
  3. Just wear them as normal shoes they will give.
  4. I can't walk in them at all at the moment! I'm wearing them around the house as we speak, and tomorrow I'll go to a bike shop or tack shop to see what's available locally.
  5. Piss on em.... It worked for the fatherland on their jack boots !!! Or run in them for ten k's a day for the next week
  6. When I was in the Army we used to fill them with hot water to break our boots in. If you tried to break them in by just walking around you'd probably lose a toe/half of your heel in the process.
  7. You're not the first person to suggest this. I shall go out on the smash tonight, to make sure my bladder's full. Should I piss on them or in them..?

    Yep, that's what I'm trying to avoid.
  8. We used to fill them with peelings from the spuds, some thing to do with the starch??

  9. I'd suggest that you piss in 'em and all over 'em at the start of each ride, and to be on the safe side take a big dump in each one as well !

    If you do that I don't think you'll be worried about them being too stiff any more

  10. Neatsfoot Oil (Google it) will soften them quite quickly, use it several also waterproofs will knock the shine off until you stop applying it, and then you can polish them again.

    It's what I used on my DMs every time.

  11. I agree we used to soak our boots in water and then go for a run in then. Soak them right through ang go for a long walk. But make sure you wear a couple pf pairs of socks....
  12. Will do; I'll report back later:upyeah:
  13. Gosh I remember that stuff, we use to use it when I was a kid, I didn't know it was still available
  14. I thought that it was jellyfish stings you peed on..... hmmm you shall smell lurvley in the summer ... Eau de slash and dash !

    I use nikwax spray big thumbs up to it .

    Some times its the armor that just isn't sitting in the right place or the boots don't suit.
    I had to try quite a few pairs to get a pair I can ride in and walk in for ages a bit pricey but Daytona's are my fav .
    I can wear them as normal and walk for ages and they last for donkeys years.
    Nothing worse then getting blisters or even bruising on your foot bones from boots that are just not right.

    I must be the only person in the world who can buy a pair of DM's and just wear them again like slippers to me.
    Ive even broken a pair in for a friend once !!

    The other thing is I know some shoe repair shops can stretch them a bit if you take them in ask.
    One by me does.
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