So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. If you do risk assessment, you'll never do anything ;-)
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  2. Apart from showering I have done sweet FA today.
  3. Spent the day at HMS Daedalus, Gosport, training The Tigers Children's m/c display team, 2 stroke fume headache wearing off, Sunday roast eaten, after market can purchase deliberated, about to get a brew on and head out to the garage for an hour or two of tinker time.
  4. I finally got the pilot jets unblocked on our possible lost case zxr!!!

    Also... Helped my mate with the pain in the ass that is the 748 fuel filter change.
  5. Ten mile walk this morning. very bracing!.

    Completed my tax return this afternoon. Ouch!

  6. Ouch good -I earned a mint . . Or ouch -I have to pay how much tax?

    two usually follows one, mind!
  7. If you don't earn it then you don't pay it. Shimples.
  8. Very brave. I am impressed! :)
  9. Gave the boiler a right good clean.

    Fed it a few pallets I chopped up today, then brought about 1m3 of logs up from the car park to the boiler room.

    Now chillin out and looking forward to Guy Martin
  10. I took the kitsch Xmas tree down - all the lights and decorations put away for another year. Always a bit sad.

    Raked up leaves and pruned my wildish hedge. It's all looking a lot cleaner now. Normally you can't get any of this stuff done mid-January so this mild weather is handy (if rubbish for skiing, which I might be doing now if it were colder). Well, you probably could be doing it if it were colder, but I wouldn't be. I like gardening, but not if it involves freezing my rocks off.
  11. suffering, no more first footing for a while me thinks.
  12. I went to San Francisco California for the day (6 hour flight) with the girlfriend, took a boat ride in the bay to the Golden Gate Bridge & the "Rock" Alcatraz Island, had some seafood & drinks on the pier & now that the day is over we have to catch our flight back to Toronto in the morning!





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  13. had a result. managed to arrange a trip to the battle of Britain memorial flight which includes being able to sit in all the aircraft and get a good look up close, not from behind a barrier! Looking forward to the Lancaster!
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  14. Had an "interesting moment" on the way home.

    My loan car (normal carriage is in the body shop for repairs) gave up on the A5, at 60 mph.

    Engine cut out, lights went off (at 6:45 this evening).

    Luckily, I was going downhill, so managed to coast to a stop off the main road.

    Only one hazard light worked (front near side), and the satnav screen started to flash in sync with the hazard light after an hour. Drove me bonkers.

    The recovery company I eventually contacted got me home a mere 4 hours after I left work.

    I am just grateful I was not involved in a serious accident.
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  15. I went to Geneva for a meeting and learnt/was reminded of a couple of things.

    1. Don't try to use the Maps app on an iPhone 4 as a sat nav. It's useless. I would have ended up at my destination about 30 minutes sooner if I'd just ignored it. It kept inventing ludicrous itineraries and didn't seem to know where I was, or update itself. "Turn right in 200m" - so I did, and got lost. It had all been going so well.

    2. Don't think that Geneva is Switzerland. It's a weird monied place filled with rich knobby people who think they are all marvellous, or scumbag French "frontaliers" who come to work on scooters. Everyone is rude and strangely for Switzerland, a lot of the town is quite unpleasant. This is all most unSwiss, as they are normally very polite. Geneva is sort of a poor man's (or rich man's) Paris - certainly as regards the attitude of its inhabitants. So glad I don't live there and was very happy to leave.
  16. You could insert any large city name in that post, glidd. Something happens to city dwellers that makes them very rude and self-important after a while. My love affair with London continues even after two decades working there, but I'm always glad to drive away from it each night.
  17. I'm presently having a conference call with a client in Australia.
  18. I'm in bed playing word association
  19. Geneva from what i remember is a shit hole, but most places are this time in the morning.
  20. The built in maps are a bit of a waste of time as they also need data to work.

    Try downloading CoPilot Live, it's about £35 for all of Europe including speed cameras and live traffic (for the first year) I bought it for our trip to Holland last summer, I've been really impressed with it.
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