Micro sd

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ballbagracer, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Hello my lovelies. Now got me self a gopro 3 and am looking at micro sd cards. What size does how much and what do you recommend? I looked on go pros web site and they recommend a branded one?
    What do you have guys.......................n girls :)
  2. Class 4 minimum, preferably Class 6 (especially if not branded).

    8GB is about 42 min with sound in 1080p
  3. Thank you. Gopro mentions class 10 :eek:
  4. #4 Attila, Jan 14, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
  5. You need the high data rates because of the massive amount of information in the HD pictures.
    I'd recommend ebuyer, as I use them loads. You can get a Verbatim 64Gb class 10 Micro SD for £35.99 right now:
    Micro SD | Flash Memory | Ebuyer.com
  6. The cards for my first digital camera worked out at £1 per megabyte :eek:

    And it doesn't seem that long ago :eek::eek:
  7. Back in the early '90s, RAM for my 386 was £25 per meg!!!
  8. Agreed that faster is better but class 6 card works no problem in GoPro at maximum settings at 1080p, 60fps at 720p, slow-mo and so on.

    Also, might just be actual transer, when I copy movie from my class 10 card using go-pro it does not reach a speed higher then what class 6 is rated at.
  9. + 1 for sandisk may as well buy class 10 for future proofing, used for years and not had one failure whereas lots of my other cards branded or not have died

    that might be your readers chipset or your usb port thats the bottle neck lucas
  10. I am using Gopro as reader and USB 3.0...
  11. When I upgraded my first PC from 2MB of RAM to 4MB, in 1988, it cost me £100. So £50 per MB.
  12. Class 10 for me, and I'm using Sandisk without any issues
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