Probably. I know there's a Red Bull flavoured e-liquid, so they probably do all sorts of drinky-related flavours.
I've managed to get a couple of women I know to give it a go, but they're both struggling with nicotine-free e-liquids, for some reason they won't buy the liquids with nicotine in, which means they keep giving up. I genuinely have not even thought of putting a fag to my lips since I started, which means over the last 16 days I've saved in the region of £200. That's all the incentive I need.
Well done.With the money I saved when I stopped smoking I bought my first motorbike after a break of over 40 years.Much more fun than fags.
No, paying bills:frown: But it'll start paying soon, and that's what I'm looking forward to. I should get a holiday this year where before I didn't think it would be possible.
I did try a fag at the weekend, for old times sake and absolutely hated it - Put it out after a couple of puffs... Am enjoying the E-Cigs too much. Have got loads of flavours now and am feeling a lot better since packing in the cigs 11 days ago - Still a long way to go, but thought that the fact I didn't like having the cig at the weekend is a good step. Also checked my back balance at the weekend and am astonished how healthy it is since packing in the little white cancer sticks - It's actually quite amazing - Could even be a Panigale for me next year carrying on like this!! I've only tried one supplier of the E-Juice so would be interested where / how much / what the flavours are like from others - I use this company so far: E Cig | Electronic Cigarette | E Liquid - UK Ecig Store Also - I find that sometimes the amount of vape I get differs with different juices - Does anyone else have this issue?
I went to UK E-cig Store on saturday, as I was working in Wembley. He's got all sorts of kit in there, and hundreds of different flavour liquids. Been having problems with liquid leaking into the atomizer and then sucking it up, which is disgusting. Turns out I'm sucking too hard! By the way, you need to change the atomizers every couple of weeks cos they don't last long. A bag of 5 for mine only cost a tenner.
I went down there on Saturday too on the 848 Evo!! (Bit chilly!!) - Got me an iTaste MVP V2, but the tank that comes with it is crap so am using the Aqwa Pro Tank 3 with it - Also got a selection of juices... Strawberry Sharm is my favorite so far. Also got some atomizors for the Pro Tank and the aClear DC atomizers as well - Cheap as chips!!
I got some lemonade flavour e-liquid, which is really nice, and some menthol, a right old throat-burner
I ended up a right fat b*$&ard when I quit, at least you wont have to worry about that Figs eh? :tongue:
Actually, I have plans to drop a bit of weight before the riding season commences. But to be fair that bargain bucket I had last night probably didn't help...
I use E-liquid Labs for my juice, I mix it myself, by buying the glycerine, flavours & nicotine. There's a calculator on the site to give you the proportions of the mix to get the strength you want. Other than the initial cost of buying the liquid in large bottles, I have roughly worked out the cost of 30ml to be less than £3.00. There's loads of flavours and they also do ready mixed if you want. I bought a graduated beaker to make the measurement, once you get used to it you can make large quantities although it doesn't take long to do. You might find you get different amount of vape depending on whether you are using Pg or VG as a base as Pg is a thicker liquid so doesn't burn as well, although you get a better throat hit than with Vg. You should also make sure all the contacts, etc are clean on the atomiser to battery, as this affects the vape. It also can depend on what atomiser you use as I can get a different vape depending on whether I'm using my tank or the drip tip with the same juice. I also use LTcigs for my mods and drip tips, tanks etc. As I said in previous posts, I have a rebuildable atomiser and make my own wicks and use a dual coil atomiser. As a useful guide to e-cigs check this site out