Let's get this out of the way first! It's not me, that this story pertains to. Guy at work was in his local petrol station and was approached by some gentlemen with Irish accents, asking if he would like to buy a big telly, cheap. He inquired about it and they showed him a massive, all singing, all dancing TV in the back of their van. The telly was up and running, fired up on a little genny. He handed over the £250 asking price and they pulled one out, of the many in the van. He gets home, unpacks it, plugs it in and nothing. On further inspection it is just an empty shell of a TV with no guts inside. His misses is going berserk and demands he goes to the cop-shop. He says don't be daft but she is still going mental. Rather face the police than his misses, they go to the station and approach the counter. The copper at the counter, says, "Don't tell me, Irish guys selling telly's from a silver van?" He then confirms that to be the case, at which point the copper says "You are the sixth one in today" So he left with his tail between his legs and a very angry misses. So watch out for scams in your area, as I guess they have to travel about a bit.
We had a valeter at work, lovely guy, late forties, just picking himself back up from separating from wife No.2, so pretty skint. Taken in by exactly the same scam a few years ago when TV's were a little bit more money, they even waited whilst he got his £600 together...
They will also sell you a laptop in a box that by the time you get it home has morphed into a housebrick.Watch for the East European family who run out of petrol next to a garage but have no money. They will sell you their family jewels for £50 to get money you of course end up with Christmas cracker jewelry
Remember this happening to me unfortunately for them I was plain clothes I look like a big of shite dressed up they ask me I say eyes let's have a butchers oops sorry guys your nicked don't always get their own way.
So you'd buy a TV you suspected was hot from some Micks in a van. Serves you bloody right. Surprised he even dared go to to the cop shop.
Serves him right. He was prepared to buy blatantly stolen property. Even if it disn't exist, he didn't know that. Gypo's standing in a service station asking for £250 for a telly. Isn't the limit you can get from a cash machine in one go about this ammount? They must be laughing their tits off.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm sorry, but anyone that stupid kind of deserves it. Who in their right mind would trust anyone like that? Pillock.
It's a shame and some people can be easily taken. The fact is if it's too good to be true it usually is, buyer beware!
I once went to one of those sales in a closed down shop, where the guy outside is calling people in and they lock the door behind you and then auction the 'goods' at cut down prices before disappearing as quickly as you can empty the shop. Obviously a scam and completely crap. The guy playing the crowd did at least have the decency not to let me buy anything, I was only 15 at the time and he ignored me every time I tried to bid. Not so lucky for the punters that handed over real cash for very good condition boxes of naff all. Either weighted with bricks or general rubbish. Very interesting experience though.