
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Welcome to the end of last year Terry :tongue:
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  2. :biggrin: It's just trended on the BBC website
  3. I think that may be because the police raided his house. The good news just keeps on coming :upyeah:
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  4. You seem to know rather a lot about young Mr Bieber :tongue:
  5. Dear God, if we give you Justin Bieber and Miley Cirus can we have Muddy Waters and John Lee Hooker bask please ?
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  6. Trending. TRENDING?!!! The only thing your trending grandad is the flares you're still wearing from 1971...!

    youve been sleeping off the Xmas cooking sherry haven't you .

    welcome to 2014, January 15 th

  7. or just Bon Scott..
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  8. So I was late and didn't read your post. I had better things to do at Xmas. So sue me :wink:
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  9. Sorry to bother you again God, but whilst we're on the subject - I'd be quite happy to swap all of One Direction for James Brown; all of JLS for Randy Rhodes: and all of bloody Boyzone for Jon Bonham... Just a thought...
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  10. Jimi, Janet, Elvis, Kurt, Jim. Not too fussed about John, bit overrated really :tongue:
  11. id trade them all to have my freddy back. should i post that to the world? feck it.
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