I like that about old boys. I had an old boy for a neighbour in my early 20's scooterist days. He was great. He'd help me fix it and was great for a chat. Nice old boy. He was 80ish and was running a turbo'd V4 Ford Capri mk 1. The guy was nuts. Guys like him and the late Len Onslow are inspirations to me. If they can do it at their age, so can I.
When you have top of the range one-piece leathers and all the gear, you still walk around looking like you have sh*t yourself.
oh - and your partner has to be into bikes to It may not be the case the other way around but if your a gurl its essential so that limits your choice and if they need to be marque specific it limits it even more I got lucky :wink:
Nobody told me I would become a sexual Tyrannosaur and that the opposite sex will find it impossible to ignore my cool looking bike and leathers!! I wish!...
They didn't have forums when I started.........oh hang on they did, but it was a specialist magazine :tongue:
Getting into biking was accidental for me. I came from a pretty sheltered background where anyone that did not fit the mould was considered bad news to be avoided. Therefore, despite the first two bikers I got to know having full body tats and piercings everywhere, I discovered most bikers are not out to bite off chickens' heads or scare old ladies! Mostly pretty good people (of the 100 or so I have met) I did teach me not to judge books by covers.
You never really get told how great it actually is. Dont matter what car you have, ferrari, lambo etc imo. Nout will give the experience like a bike. You may get a rush in a big luxury sports car or a swift gti but with a bike its different. Its "that feeling" everytime you go out on it or nail a turn or when abroad. To me, im happy Ive gotten to experience it and been in a position to own what i want ( all hard graft of course ) so far. More seriously, getting away from all the bull and hype, owning a duke has been so far better than what i had thought it would have been. Im glad the Ducati guy I dealt with at the time ( RIP Tony ) told me to go for it and get away from the fireblades i had given my allegiance to over the years. And Im also glad I didnt listen to mates I know who slate them. Its just a pity I dont have more money and a bigger garage with 90 days off work a year ! Now that would be bliss. Oh, you meet a lot of interesting and like minded ppl on two wheels. Its all good.