You can also be lucky and convert your other half! :smile: I'd had a bike licence at least 10 years before Andy ever took to 2 wheels
Almost for me, I own a monster, not tHat comfortable for touring on so bought a Yamaha diversion, a month later saw the 749's of Dan and Budster from Ducatisti, was invited to sit on one and had one in the garage within a couple of weeks, as a family we had to eat gruel for the rest of the year. three year later and I have never ever regretted it and I still have all three! all fantastic in their own way! even the divi? Oh and I was in my mid fifties. No one told me that you reach an age of being sensible then think 'sod it, now or never'
When you become a biker , you'll find the film On any Sunday excellent viewing , non bikers will think its crap.
washed bike today and guess what ...yes bloody hurt fingers cleaning front wheel on brake disc .. so wanted to go for a blast on it ..but its sorn doh bikes are my herion i'm in withdrawl bad at the mo