Things no-one told you about when you became a biker

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Amended for you :upyeah:
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  2. I'm obviously a bit younger than you :wink:
  3. Mine will. She has three of her own :p
  4. I did have an answer for that but I forgot what it was.:wink:
  5. You can also be lucky and convert your other half! :smile:

    I'd had a bike licence at least 10 years before Andy ever took to 2 wheels
  6. That you become a much better driver of other vehicles as a consequence.
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  7. LOL I'm British Airborne I jump out of planes for a living hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
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  8. slap coming your way :)
  9. Almost for me, I own a monster, not tHat comfortable for touring on so bought a Yamaha diversion, a month later saw the 749's of Dan and Budster from Ducatisti, was invited to sit on one and had one in the garage within a couple of weeks, as a family we had to eat gruel for the rest of the year. three year later and I have never ever regretted it and I still have all three! all fantastic in their own way! even the divi? Oh and I was in my mid fifties. No one told me that you reach an age of being sensible then think 'sod it, now or never'
    #69 DaffyDuc, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
  10. Totally agree
  11. I'm not Nobbi1977 mum btw.
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  12. That you want to speed up time when your not around bikes and slow down time when you are.
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  13. Don't assume because somebody is a biker, it excludes them from being a twat.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. At some point you'll run out of talent before the bike runs out of performance.
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  15. When you become a biker , you'll find the film On any Sunday excellent viewing , non bikers will think its crap.
  16. :upyeah::upyeah:
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  17. You have to pay for Sky TV to babysit Doris while you're out...:frown:
  18. I did that about an hour ago...OUCH!!

    ...that cars not indicating could make you so furious!
    #78 RickyX, Jan 18, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014
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  19. You get through vast quantities of mr sheen and WD40
  20. washed bike today and guess what ...yes bloody hurt fingers cleaning front wheel on brake disc ..
    so wanted to go for a blast on it ..but its sorn doh
    bikes are my herion i'm in withdrawl bad at the mo
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