Strangely fogging Arai

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by gliddofglood, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Any ideas on this one?

    My Arai RX-7 Corsair fogs up on one side of the visor only. Thought it was a visor coating problem, so changed the visor at vast expense - makes no difference at all. It only fogs up on one side, so that you quickly end up riding with mono-eyed vision. Naturally, on a hot day, it doesn't fog at all, but hit a cool mountain pass and whoosh!

    My suspicion is that there is some species of bug caught in the venting system. Have tried blowing into the chin vent with an airline, but no joy. It's been dong this for a couple of years and is annoying. I use it as a summer helmet as otherwise it's quite noisy and windy in there. I use the Shark Foggy Rep thing for cooler days as the venting is so crap that I have fitted a Foggy neoprene mask which cures misting but which is seriously warm on a hot day.

    Anyone know if you can pop out the plastic venting chin grill thing to poke about the airways with a bit of wire? Other suggestions? Thanks.

  2. Why not fit a Pinlock, cheap and guaranteed to work.
  3. The Pinlock was delivered free with the helmet. I've tried it out a few times, but I don't like it. The surface it covers is much smaller than the whole visor, so that when you are doing mountain passes (as I often am) when you get to a hairpin and have to look up the road, you half see round the edge of the Pinlock area. It's really disconcerting. If I've got an entire visor to look through, I don't want to lose 20% of it around the edges.

    If you're just riding on straight roads, it's probably fine. There aren't many of those around here.
  4. Oh, Fair nuff, I have a pinlock on my Arai and never even seem to notice the edge of it.
  5. There are other versions that might help - they do a Race version which goes further up the visor (more or less to the visible edge from inside), or the Max Vision which is pretty much the same size as the visor itself.
  6. I have an XR-1000 that does exactly the same thing, never found out why. Just fogged up on the one side which was pretty annoying and a little disorientating. I just use a pinlock now and problem solved. Like Doodle said too, there are different sizes so if you find the normal one is too distracting a larger race one might suit you better.
  7. From what I can see on your pic, the chin vent looks similar to that on my astro j.. I have popped the vent out on that, and IIRC I did that by releasing one Side of the 'hook' type fastening from accessing on the inside of the helmet?. If that makes some sense?

    Good luck. Tt
  8. Me neither, I've used them for years, top bit of kit!
  9. Mine fogged a little too when first on I just kept it slightly opened for the first few minutes after that it was ok
    Never did get round to trying the pin lock 

    Oh and can see you in your visor
  10. What I found worked for me.....was to ride that fast that I frightened the sh*te out of myself, to the point where I stopped breathing and held my breath till the corner had gone.....problem solved!
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  11. Lmao That's ok till you breath again then you can't see cause your fogged up
    Been there done that think I rode without breathing most the time!!
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  12. Exactly the same for me, first two miles through the village I leave the visor open just a little bit then close it as soon as I get going, I do need to open it if I hit traffic lights when it is really cold though.
  13. I have 2 visors (1 clear + clear Pinlock & 1 legal tint with black Pinlock fitted) for my Arai, both fitted with Pinlock & I quickly became accustomed to them.

    As an alternative: Do you have any 5 Star Arai dealers locally? They will provide a free helmet service if you contact them, they might be able to find the cause. Failing that you can have your Arai helmet serviced by the Arai support team when they are in attendance at race meetings - but this won't be easy in Switzerland as there are no race tracks in the country!
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