edingburgh situation……. father estranged partner grand parents mother neighbour total stranger (obviously taking into account it will the fault of the social services and or the Police in around 12 months..)
In this case, it seems too difficult to make a judgement.........EG, If the father, why only one child?
Havent really been paying too much attention to things, but I saw something on the news channel whilst at the gym. Is the story that the child has gone missing from the home, but the father doesn't live there anymore?
Small child, unable to get out themselves, missing from high rise flats with entry and exit restrictions. Sounds a bit McCann to me.. Hope the old fella has just run off with him and nothing untoward has occurred
There is always more to these stories than meets the eye, my suspicion is firmly with the farther, like Bradders I don't think there is anything sinister going on.
After that you spend nine years in the nuthouse...........not because you were trouble --- but Cornwall, FFS:wink:
I was found at age 2 eating a carnation.........apparently I had at least three.................... .....that has absolutely nothing to do with the case, I just put it in to cheer people up.
sorry for thread deviation andy, Cornwall is cracking part of the world if i ever have to move that's where i am going.