Awkward family photos

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Social services need to check a few of these out
  2. Cringe.....
  3. Had to stop - too stomach-churning!
  4. Wow theres some seriously creepy shit going on there , Americans eh ! , whats this paint the baby bump thing they've got going on.
    The land of bad taste just upped its game.
  5. And the obsession with naked family members...
  6. didn't know JohnV was American :eek:
  7. One of them is bound to be called Bubba
  8. I told you people with cats were weird
  9. BLOODY HELL BOOTSAM! What did you do that for?!!!
  10. Its the brown skin staining on his inner thighs that really pulls the birds.
  11. Nope. Its Nelson. Its his profile pic.
  12. Bradders....:wink:
  13. [​IMG]
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  14. Actually, except the few pounds i thought Ali had stuck a pic up of his long hair days...
  15. Note the lack of denial.
  16. Oi! (I'll have to dig out a photo of me with long hair now..............they do exist.....although not in that pose)
  17. :rolleyes:I dream of that much hair!
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