Don't think I'll bother with Squires this weekend

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Would be a good time to take an old two stroke out though :tongue:
  2. The local gliding club should be happy
  3. Any excuse for a Yorkshireman to have a BBQ !
  4. I heard squires has been sold ?
  5. Really? Since when?
  6. Hold on I can find out for you :)
  7. Error - 404
  8. It was up earlier :( mega bucks !!!
  9. Chris was that you on Facebook ? Sorry it's just I don't know peoples surnames real names lol !!!!
  10. no. just Googled it Melanie - you eating a bit easier now?
  11. Not surprised by that price in the slightest. It is a big old place for a start, in a very nice location. With a seemingly strong business too.
  12. Sorry someone called Chris off UKMOC was asking if I was ok ... Then I got confused who it was!!!!
  13. yes, we pretty common :)
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