Why can't we==

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by higgy748, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Cut down on the Cop bashing threads and give Andy B's fingers a rest and start picking on Air Conditioning engineersThere machines gobble vast quantities of Electricity increasing global warming melt the Ice caps and then drowned southernersOn second thought lets stick to cops
  2. Where is your evidence for global warming ?

    On second thoughts let's not go there, again
  3. I bet cops have them on in their jam butty cars and in the offices - but not the cells.
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  4. a car without air conditioning……do they make them?

    Do you know the one in the cells isn't working today……………still,
  5. Along with piss and an old lasagne on the blue mattress.
  6. The problem is that several decisions made by the police recently have made them look like there is reason to doubt the honesty and integrity of some officers. Therefore people have opinions that they wish to raise and question. What's the saying 'there are many truths'.
  7. What's with the aircon bashing? Your domestic fridge does more damage year in year out.

    And my aircon works fine, thanks:upyeah: Doesn't beat me up in the cells or anything...
  8. of which some is justified, some from as you say it looks like, some comes from not understanding process, some from not understanding law, and some who will never change their opinion regardless…..
  9. And some from dishonesty
  10. I think it's simpler than that. We have access to more information these day, through internet and generally more open policies in all walks of life, so we get to hear more of what goes on. Stuff we didn't know about before.
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  11. i thought i covered that with "some which is justified"
  12. Pro. Air Conditioning means never sleeping with the window open. The hum of recycled air drowns out the sound of (a) monster trucks that appear to have found inspiration in the sound effects of Jurassic Park (b) phantom noises that are akin to that of the menacing furnace in Home Alone (c) drunken passersby who, for reasons unknown, congregate outside of your open bedroom window to have intense, life altering conversations, why would they stand anywhere else, the plot of land outside of your house is perfect for drunken rambling, crying, and screaming on the phone with friends who have apparently gone deaf and require each sloppily strung together sentence to be repeated ad nauseaum.

    Con. In extreme cases, excessive reliance on Air Conditioning turns you into a pussy. Any activity that requires your participation that does not include Air Conditioning is one that you will bitch and complain about, because you’ve ‘conditioned’ yourself to believe that it should be 60 degrees at all times, even when it’s the middle of summer and it is an absolutely unreasonable expectation to be had. ‘There’s little to no AC here? …Ugh…’ Get over it, Princess and the Pea bitch ass.

    Pro. Air Conditioning makes you a more viable candidate for sex. This could also be a con, if you’re the type of person who prides themselves on not being used for their material possessions, but you and I both know it’s secretly enthralling to have a leg up on your Ceiling Fan-owning counterparts. During the summer, Air Conditioning replaces Washer/Dryer as sexiest amenity.

    Con. Your Con Ed bill is bound to increase during the summer months in order to accommodate for (a) the insane amount of energy that Air Conditioning requires and (b) the insane amount of time you justify keeping your box of glorified air on and blasting. Still, you’ll foot the cost. Better than being mildly uncomfortable.

    Pro. Getting dressed without Air Conditioning is a harrowing experience that often ends in the brave, overheated soul attempting it to declare, “I just… can’t. I can’t get dressed it’s too fucking hot. I give up. I… no. I’m not doing this.” The vanquished party takes a shower for the second time that day and collapses in a pile of defeat, never to be heard from or seen again until the next time it’s 75 degrees or below.

    Con. While many people are willing to sacrifice our dear planet in order to add the luxury of Air Conditioning to their lives, there are some who make the eco-conscious decision to abstain, opting instead to use fans and other methods of ‘keeping cool’. Obviously, the person with Air Conditioning is aware that any large consumption of energy has a negative impact on the environment and they choose to use it anyway, which is their prerogative, but oh how they will be judged by the children of Mother Earth. AC owners are unlikely to care about this judgment, unless their decision negatively impacts their sex lives with a flower child
  13. Just clarifying for the purposes of the tape ;)
  14. I think that being an aircon engineer is one of the coolest jobs around.
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  15. Mee too. Here's for all the AC and Fridge boy's who are on call so the rest of you can sleep easy in your bed's while we slave away.

    Regards Steve
  16. In the café at 8, then early doors in the boozer after.
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  17. On my way home yesterday and there was a car stationary with hazards flashing on the slip road to the A40, THREE police Astra's one behind the other with the blue lights flashing, why on earth does it take three patrol cars do deal with a simple incident. The car wasn't causing an obstruction.

    Earlier in the week there was an accident in Witney where I work, a lorry hit a caravan and blocked the road, I counted 5 police cars and a Police van, coppers everywhere with their hands in their pockets chit chatting whilst the caravan was being recovered. is it because traffic incidents are easy to deal with?, I'm sure three cars don't turn up to a suspected mugging.
  18. I got pulled on the fuglystrada by two cop cars and a cop bike a couple of years ago, despite not breaking any laws at all. Was a deeply annoying incident. Not one of them turned up when my house or car got broken into...
  19. They all turn up to the accident because thats where it is. A mugging has happened and the perp will have run so the cars should be cruising about looking fo the villain
  20. Yeah, right.
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