I must have led a very sheltered life, I wouldn't know a drug if you lined them up in front of me on a table. People say they can smell them as well, bu**ered if I can. O one good thing I now get my legal prescriptions free. Steve
Done the lot except H & crack. More often all at the same time and in copious quantity. Recreational only. I moderately smoke hash now only. No booze. No weed as its too fricking strong for normal life these days. Hash is milder and I smoke it like someone enjoys a glass of wine. Unless i am in 'The Dam' where i can select a milder variant. I won't be doing anymore class A's. The trick is to know when enough is enough. Haven't for 15-20yrs. I smoke dope as my de-stress tool. A mild spliff with a cup of tea when i get home from work to unwind and chill. My issue is finding it. When I do I buy in bulk. I do not care what the authorities think. I am in charge of my life not they. I am wise enough to use it responsibly. I won't drive or ride under the influence of anything let alone drugs. I think we all understand you need your wits about you on 2 wheels. BTW i note you can buy NOS capsules. Filling a balloon with it and inhaling it gives you exactly the same buzz as you got glue sniffing. But without the mess. Its a fun party game. I know a lot of people like me who smoke cannibis like I do. From all walks of life. Moderate and responsible. BTW you've not had sex until you've done it on acid. Trust me on this.
Why do you all immediately think of illegal drugs? It would seem that the cost of licensed drugs is not a concern.
My neighbour smokes the occasional spiff... Has offered me some in the past but I've refused politely... Probably better for me than the booze though!!... Now I'm off the fags, I may take him up on his offer next time!
Not for many, many years, but hey, I was 18 in 1968, what do you think we were all doing? I have to say that one or two acid trips should be an essential part of one's education, as they were in those days. Bill Clinton has claimed that he "didn't inhale" marijuana, but from what I remember of the time when I knew him we all inhaled quite a lot.
Don't do it Radi, you'll be back on the fags in no time. A spliff is 90% tobacco and 10% spliffy stuff. Gives you you good wood mind you, from what I remember.....
a customer gave me Oxycontin last year for tooth ache, sent me la la for 48 hours, i will stick to non prescription from now on.