Vicky pryce's barrister friend Constance briscoe accused of lying on her behalf in the Chris huhne debacle. Mmmm taking it away from our boys in blue here we have a barrister, a business woman and an MP seemingly unable to tell the truth
ah you see it doesnt have the same value to it……….even working on the theory that the majority of them couldn't lie straight in bed…. let alone the legal aid…..
Oo oo link to fav line from film thread, Nic cage in Con Air " there's only 2 people in the world I trust, one of thems me, the other one Ain't you "
now heres a difference to the cop thread, cos people on there are talking in terms of 'honest mistake' ( which i still disagree with along with the jury!) whereas in this of course there is a complete and utter dishonest knowledge of what she was doing ...