Entertain me.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Sat at home bored shitless, should be out in the shed but I can't be bothered with it, so I'm gonna sit here scratching my nuts til the pub opens.

    For the love of god, entertain me now!
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Channel 71-and don't forget to send mr :upyeah:tumbles spotty bag back
  3. Isn't scratching your bollox entertainment enough?

    It is for me (my bollox not yours you understand) :tongue:
  4. Improve your shed interior so you WANT to spend time in there!! :tongue: Nice flock wall paper and a log burner for starters.
  5. It's carpeted and centrally heated ffs, what more do you want..?:eek:
  6. a nice bike to look at?
    • Like Like x 1
  7. How very dare you Sir:mad:
  8. I sold the fuglystrada to improve the view...
  9. Bored to tears as well
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