Things no-one told you about when you became a biker

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. That you can get caught speeding 3 times within 10 days of your 17th birthday........Doh!

    PS It may have stopped me killing myself though :biggrin:
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  2. Pah! I've launched myself more times than Buzz Aldrin. Never felt a thing...
  3. That if you put very cold hands in hottish water to warm them up, it effin hurts because the finger joints expand. (Don't try it, use tepid water!)
  4. That at some point a moron at a party will find out you are a biker and find it totally acceptable to say: "There are two types of biker, those who have fallen off and those who are going to fall off." At which point you will find it totally acceptable to show him why being punched in the face is much more painful than falling off a bike - in most cases.
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  5. That your mum will still be saying: "You be careful on that bike now" when you're 57 and have been riding for more than 40 years!
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  6. some idiot will try to start a fight with you ......
    because............... you think hard because your a biker

    turns out there pissed and your sober and can dodge their fist better than they can aim :biggrin:
    but not the other way round..........:upyeah:
  7. Have we met ?? :biggrin:
  8. I quite like the fact people are really surprised when I tell them I ride a motorcycle, lots of blokes my age seem to be quite envious that they have never got around to it. It is like being part of an exclusive club.
  9. Was refused to be served at a pub/restaurant as we were "bikers", booked for a table of 12 a month or so later, turned up in cars, ordered food and when it arrived we all showed our bike licences, reminded them they didn't serve bikers and left, leaving a table full of food :tongue:
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  10. I'm always enjoying the looks on kids' faces as you pass their family car. They love the bikes.
  11. Give yer head a little tip/nod, they think it's great and instantly tell their mum....:upyeah:
  12. Always do. One lad wanted me to pull a wheelie, so I did. Explaining to the copper why I did it was interesting...
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  13. That you would have so many memories of a life riding bikes, people, places, races, hospital food, laughs. That when you're a granddad you will still be getting KD on a 999.

  14. If you were at that party in Kew circa 2005 yes! Did you get your front teeth sorted? Hope it cost a packet!
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  15. Nope...not me then. Still....something to look forward to I guess :upyeah:
  16. Some mates and I did that, circa 1978, at a pub in Kent. Left about five pints on the bar untouched ... great fun.
  17. You could always engage me in polite conversation along the lines of: "I hear you ride a Ducati. Must be great. They really are the best bikes in the world, aren't they?"
  18. Or...."I hear you ride a Ducati. Must be great. They really are the best bikes in the world, aren't they?........have you fallen off it yet ?"
  19. Trying to kick start a big single and forgetting about the inevitable kick back when it fails to start, the kick starter then taking the skin off your shin!
  20. That A & E staff would call bikers,"organ donors"...
    I reckon it's a myth....they've always been very nice to me,(on my many visits..):biggrin:
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