we we stayed at St Johns football club last year, good location, plenty of showers. We didn't eat there, but many did. We generally eat in Peel. Disappointed not to be going this year.
Just to add: Cronk Aashen campsite for me because it is just before the 13 mile stone. When you get off the ferry and out of Douglas. The blast up through Glen Helen, Black and white (unrestricted) Cronk y voddy straight, 11 mile stone....fantastic!!! Always end up going for half a lap. (I`m there already) roll on August. The campsite has open door barns to park up bikes (hard standing) So what ever the weather, bike dry, riding gear drying, Kitchen for chatting the night away, ONLY sleep in tent !!!!!
ianpm77 I will be there also, so come say hi, I will have my red 899 with me and my other half will have her GSXR. What are the dates you are there? I am arriving 28th May until 6th June.
Hi Bung sorry ManxGP !!! 18th August till 31st August I`ll be there. Say hello from me too "Eddie and Glynne" at the TT. "Come say hello"? NO I talk to everyone. Ian
This is quite true, outside of the black and White National Speed Limit sigh there is no limit at the moment (I reckon this will change in years to come) which means you can't be done for speeding, however they will do you for dangerous if you ride like a twat.
Get caught doing more than the 30mph or the 40mph in a village or Town, and there will be a VERY hefty fine coming your way!! So stay safe and enjoy the freedom of the (unlimited) Black and White Roads. Oh! but look out for those Tractors nudging out from every small side road.
Last I heard, in zones marked as 30,40,50 etc. it was £150 if you were up to 15mph over the posted limit, and above that "it gets expensive"...
Yep, never a truer word spoken. Tractors can be anywhere but I would say the worst area is Kirk Michael to Sulby. Go especially careful at Ballacrye (between Ballaugh Bridge and the Wildlife Park) as there is a farm on the left about 70 yards off the quick left. You go tanking through there at over a ton and the lads are pulling out the last thing you will see will be the back wheel of a tractor.
We heard about someone doing 130 something getting pulled and telling the plod on his marked bike there was no speed limit. The plod said thats true, but the highway code still applies and you went over a solid white line and thats £500. I thought that the Police on the island were very reasonable in 2013, respect them, keep to all limits when posted and don't do anything stupid. They like to jail and heavily fine people who don't behave. The ride around the circuit certainly seemed a lot safer than in previous years.