How many "members" were on Ducatisti when it closed?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carbon749, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. If we're boring you, cobbett, you can always try another thread...
  2. IIRC There were about 7000 registered users on the forum, of which probably 750-1000 were active.....that sounds a lot but bear in mind, that that was from Day 1 of the site.
  3. Morning !! .. What a glorious night :)

    hmm wonder what question would provoke the worlds longest thread ( too much night time on her hands ).
  4. Why were you on here at 2am Mel ? No home to go to ? Lol...
  5. I think she's an owl really, or some other nocturnal creature ;-)
  6. I was there, I have been hiding out with hubby on SV650 site since so good to be back with Ducati people, although if the press is to be believed we are about to become Audi people, not sure about that as I find most Audi drivers most rude.
  7. Hello Katie!!!! :) :)

    Me ... What am I doing at 2 am ???
    There was this infomercial on steam cleaners .. That's about as exciting as my life gets at the moment!!

    I have not been a dirty stop out for a while now :(
  8. What was the steam cleaner ad like tho? Did it make you want one?.......A steam cleaner that is! ;-)
  9. I was there
  10. At He11cat's at 2am? ;-)
  11. Doubtful I checked behind my sofa and curtains !!
    Steam cleaner ... No was a bit boring and wouldn't clean the bike :)

    although 6 second abs ... Sadly it would take many 6 secs to sort me out :)
  12. Just like a scene from scream!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I dread to think !
  14. Woah! Hang on guys, I've just re-read the thread title, and it says how many 'members'...

    I can think of one or two proper 'members' on there.
  15. Yup your with me now.....that was the point I was making on the first page ;-)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Common courtesy prevents me from naming names...
  17. Don't worry,

    Their conscience tells them who they are ;-)
  18. What conscience..? If they had consciences they wouldn't be such members in the first place.
  19. I never thought of that ;-)
  20. Suddenly I remember why I migrated away from Ducatisti to Facebook!!:wink:
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