Cheap air compressor and spray gun

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by freshage, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Hi guys, I'm in the market for the above. It will have 1 job... ACF 50 application, the bottles now come with your average trigger spray bottles instead of the pump spray bottle. Making it much messier and it doesn't apply as well, as the mist allowed it to float into all the nooks and crannies.

    I'm currently battling it out with Demon Tweeks as they advertised the pump spray not the trigger spray, but delivered the trigger option.

    Sounds daft. But those that have dabbled in ACF 50 past just light application onto a few bolt heads know that this stuff is best applied onto the bike in a mist.

    As a all weather commuter, I'm trying to keep my bike coated in it to stop salt eating my Multi 1200.

    So yea, a cheap compressor and a spray gun, any ideas?
  2. Screwfix were doing an SIP compressor for a £100, costco wanted £150 for one similar.
  3. #3 freshage, Jan 20, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2014
  4. Aldi\Lidl do them occasionally, not sure what make they are. Any small compressor will power something like a paraffin gun, blow gun etc.

    About £100 odd should get you a decent one. Have you checked out machine mart?
  5. #6 Red998, Jan 20, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2014
  6. Call me special, but I don't understand the difference? They both have the same tank size, same pressure... Why is it better?

    Sorry mate, just don't have the first clue. And what spray gun would you suggest as the above has no attachments with it.
  7. The link refers to this

    Stanley DN/8/5 4.5Ltr Portable Air Compressor 240V

    Product Code: 22374

    It says the compressor is only 1/2 HP whereas in my link it is 1.5 horsepower
    #8 Red998, Jan 20, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2014
  8. Ah I see. Attachments wise, I assume I will need the hose and stuff? As this is just the compressor unit?

    Also, my link was to this:

    Stanley 8216035SCR011 24Ltr Compressor with 5 Piece Accessory Kit 240V |

    I pasted the wrong link initially. Still the same thoughts?
  9. That's a pretty good price as the accessory kit is normally about £15 to £20 on its own. The quick release couplings can be a pain as you have to pop them off every time you want to change tools, but many smaller compressors are like that.

    The gravity gun is probably an HVLP (high volume low pressure) one and depending on nozzle tip size you could find that very useful for paint spraying.

    I have an almost identical accessory kit to that portrayed and it's good apart from the nasty couplings.
  10. In terms of atomising the ACF 50 into that lovely mist spray I'm looking for. Which attachment would work?

    And I think I will pick it up on the way home then, as there is a Screw Fix round the corner from me. So any issues and it won't be a hassle getting it sorted. Save me posting it back etc etc if a problem ever did occur.

    Thanks by the way mate!
  11. I would say that the gravity gun will be the most flexible to use. The paraffin gun uses a lot more pressure and is really for cleaning more than accurate spraying. It's best used with a degreaser or something like that. It's not very precise either.

    If you post up the tip size when you get it then I can tell you a bit more. A big(ish) tip on a gravity gun is 1.6mm so if it was 1.2mm or 1.4mm that's probably ideal. Gravity guns are really good as you get a nice even and very flexible spray and you can control, needle tip retraction, fan spray pattern and gun pressure. They are as flexible as you can get.

    If you do use the gravity gun for that I doubt you could even spray paint with it again due to contamination dangers and potential siliconisation of paint, so the gun will have to be sacrificed.
  12. I would rather keep the gun for ACF 50 applications rather than buy a new one each time. Or will it be duff after one application?

    I very much doubt I will use it for painting. If I do, I will buy a new gun.

    Thanks :)
  13. No it will be fine, to be on the safe side you should clean it out thoroughly after use. You usually get a spanner to dismantle the gun in the kit and possibly even a brush to clean out the air passages.
  14. Will degreaser be a good cleaner? Or is it white spirits? So many questions! Haha, sorry :p
  15. If you mean what to clean the spraygun with, then cellulose thinners would be the best. Buy gun cleaning thinners from a motor factor, it's the cheapest but can't really be used to thin any cellulose paint base, it is too raw.

    You can then use it for all sorts of other things, cleaning brushes, non sensitive metal parts, or as a solvent cleaner for certain other things such as glue etc. but avoid plastics.

    You would be surprised how far a 5 litre can go. Don't buy 2 pack thinners or anything that is too expensive, it's not needed.
    #16 Red998, Jan 20, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2014
  16. Just seen one, michelin :rolleyes: In B&Q for 89.99, was a ton, seemed ok. Could do with one go with the welder I cant use, thecountless power tools that lay gathering dust and numerous hand tools which seem to grow in number.
  17. If you buy a decent compressor you will find it is one of the best tool buys you can make. I bought my big compressor nearly 30 years ago from what is now Machine Mart. Best buy I have ever made, I have more than got my money back over the years through doing paint jobs for people and spraying my own car etc. etc. If it went wrong tomorrow I would not hesitate to buy another.

    Money invested in a good compressor is never wasted providing you make the effort to learn and use all of its benefits.
  18. Thanks mate for all the input. Just tested the compressor and my god it makes applying ACF 50 a doddle! I did a very small test amount.

    I was a tit. I expected a small mist being produced. What I got was a plume of half a mug of ACF 50 in the air... Over part of the rear tyre and a cloud of it entering my lungs. Lesson learnt for not paying attention.

    I've wiped as much odd the rear tyre as possible. Can't see any more and doesn't feel greasy. Just have to take it carefully for a while! But yes, I can instantly see the reason for having one of the on standby is good! I just need to learn how to adjust the amount of liquid and pressure the gun outputs. It's a 1.5mm nozzle by the way.

    God I'm a twat, such a stupid mistake. Hope I haven't fucked that tyre... Literally only done 100 miles on it :( such a school boy!
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  19. Brace yourself folks, I feel a 'spec me a rear tyre' thread coming up.
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