the wife had to go in to hospital in france 12 years back after a snow board accident, nice, clean, efficient.the doctor at morzine wanted about £100 before he would xray her (you listening El T) 4 hours before so much as a pain killer offered as i didn't have insurance papers on me. the doctors back here recons they did a grand job pinning her wrist back together tho
To be fair Phill that was in response to stu-pendous's post, I did correct it, sort of. I have no doubt that there are some excellent public sector workers out there. I just happen to think that the state, and by implication the public sector is too big. Don't take it personally.
Speaking as one who worked in the public service for 40 years, when you decide to commit yourself to the public service you know very well that you are never going to get rich and famous, and you are never going to get much sex, drugs or rock'n'roll. You also know that your pay will be well behind the going rate for equivalent work in the private sector with no big bonuses, and that whatever you manage to achieve will have to be done on half a shoestring. You know that you will be laughed at by people in the City on five times the salary, and occasionally abused by the ignorant. On the other hand, there is some satisfaction in working for the public instead of just to fill the wallet of some private sector boss, you may be able to make a real difference, your efforts might be appreciated by those who know about them, and it's a steady job. I feel that I sacrificed quite a bit, but overall I have no complaint.
some public servants get richer than others and have pensions worth more than most private sector workers
the thing is with the private sector and their massive prices hype and profits on just about everything let alone essentials like gas water electric, is the WE the public are the ones paying……just the same as it is WE the public who have to contribute for hospitals police fire council etc etc and how the bastards bleat in an effort to fool some of the people all the time,……."oh profits are down"……………yeah but you are still clearing a profit and a multi million pounds plus one at that…….so what, you didn't make as many millions as last year……bast ids...
I've never heard that before Andy but have to agree that it is a powerful argument oh and don't forget that we all pay NI too......
Comparing senior public sector workers to those in the City gives a distorted picture, mainly due to the obscene salaries and bonuses those in the City chose to pay themselves. The majority of employees within both the public and private sectors sacrifice a great deal for average or below average earnings whilst those at the top have seen large increases. Profit isn't a dirty word Andy, it is where future investment comes from. Profit should be viewed in relation to the size of the investment, so to imply that a multi-million or even billion pound profit is excessive misses the point. Without profit there can be no real growth. The public vs private sector debate will never end but it was capitalism that created the wealth that brought the majority of people out of poverty, the question is whether it can keep them out.
wasn't it the greed of the banker capitalists that have put us in the shoite order that we find ourselves too…… oh no i forgot its a worldwide recession……no ones fault …it just happened..
Again I agree with you Andy, it was the greed of the banker capitalts, which is why I ended with "the question is whether it can keep them out [of poverty]"
It happened on their watch and it was their naivety that allowed it to happen, but today they are reaping their rewards so was it naivety or did they know what they were doing ? NWO conspiracy anyone :wink: ?
Brown kiiled the pension companies, sorry us pension purchasers, ran out of slush fund and made some big mistakes. And every politician since has an easy get out.