Going skiing... First time advice needed

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phill, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. I know nothing whatever about skiing. May I ask a question: why don't skiers wear leathers & protectors like we do on bikes?
  2. fashion
  3. ...turn to the left
  4. Leather soaks up water and we/they do wear protection.

    I wear a helmet, back protector, impact shorts and knee protectors
  5. Well if they're good enough for Guy
  6. Partly because snow is a lot softer than asphalt, and you're unlikely to wear away half your skin if you fall on it.

    Secondly because although leather keeps the wind off, it's not great as a warming device if you're just standing around in the cold.

    Thirdly, all sorts of protection is becoming the norm, though much of it is a bit over the top. Do you need a back protector for general Sunday afternoon piste skiing?

    Messing around with kinetic energy will always involve danger of injury, but you don't have to be totally paranoid about it.
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  7. whats tom daily and Michal schumacher got in common?
    they both have skid marks down the side of there helmets.
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  8. Snow is slippy, so gravel rash in not an issue. Protectors are creeping in but for on piste are not really much value IMHO. The biggest danger is being hit by another person skiing too fast for their ability.

    Helmets will always divide opinion.
  9. I disagree. I wear protection because a hard pack piste is as hard as concrete. And an icy piste even more so.
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  10. I'm considering a helmet for the first time this year. Perhaps an age thing but there really are some prats on the slopes. Especially where the reds and blacks end up as a blue or green. I use a lot of my motor cycle base layers when skiing, actually they get used for cycling as well. I've alway had my own boots but this year will rent because mine split last season and I'm baulking at the replacement price, it seems ladies size 6 are rarely in a sale and I won't buy them online.
    get insurance, chances are nothing will happen but it's expensive if something does. Also I want to be helicoptered off the mountain to hospital not taken down in those stretchers.
    Be prepared to get addicted, I love it.
  11. If you like motorcycling, skiing and diving, you're never short of a good holiday.
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  12. Adult dypers ???:eek:
  13. You like your watersports glidd ? :rolleyes:
  14. Not of the bedroom variety...
  15. It's only the masses that don't have food in North Korea, we are talking a luxury resort here.

    Apre ski would be songs about the Great Leader and tractor production sung by singers wondering whether they are going to be executed by machine gun.
  16. ... or by dogs.
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  17. It's always the boarders I see with broken wrists not the skiers.

    I like my wrists like they are.

    So I can keep enjoying riding a sports bike. Not aching and weakened after being broken in a snow boarding fall.
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