The recent floods poll

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by gliddofglood, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Climate change

    2 vote(s)
  2. Gay marriage rights

    5 vote(s)
  3. Nothing. They are just random events

    8 vote(s)
  1. Do the recent floods have a cause?
    If so, are they caused by:
  2. Too much rain
  3. Random events compounded by poor river and flood plain managment
  4. too much concrete
  5. Which planet are we polling on?
  6. Too much brown field building on what was flood plains pushing the problem elsewhere, plus seaside barriers pushing issues down the coast meaning places never flooded before are washed away

    And gays getting married hasnt helped
  7. I live on the Somerset Levels. The Moor road to our village floods every year. For the last few years it has been flooded for longer. The nearby village of Muchelney has been an island accessible only by boat for the last 2 weeks - and it is the second time this has happened in 18 months.

    As you can imagine, folks round here take a keen interest in the causes and effects of flooding - it is part and parcel of life on the Levels - but in recent years it has gotten worse. The generally accepted reason is that the Environment Agency no longer dredge the waterways like they did in the past, so they get silted up. In fact they sold most of their dredging equipment as a cost saving measure 10 years ago when they absorbed the NRA (National Rivers Authority). We are all hoping that the effects have now gotten so bad that the EA will have to bite the bullet and start dredging again.
  8. I live on a hill. You wont catch me without my trousers.
  9. To much concrete and new houses being built by rivers on areas that would normally be flodded
  10. To much building on floodplain trying to accommodate targets set by government for new housing.
  11. Too much, too young...
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  12. Concrete Jungle
  13. Just another brick in the wall
  14. Its raining men.

    Ooops wrong forum.
  15. This Used To Be My Playground...

  16. car-stuck-in-flood-funny-pictures.jpg

    • Like Like x 1
  17. Smug Bastard


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  18. Water I reckon
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